season 6 episode 1 AI

John Z said:
Really? That is too funny (if true). The stage name was something (forget the first name) Devereux.

When asked how she did, she responded "Not too shabby". Great moment in AI history. :lmao:
She is soon to be Mary Gilbeaux. :yay:


All Up In Your Grill
John Z said:
LOL! Yeah, I'm sure that is her. Looks like I got the stage name wrong. Iin her profile, it is listed as Mary Gilbeaux.

And how'd she get on AI at the age of 47 or 48? :elaine:

(Again, according to her profile)

Lied about her age? :shrug:


New Member
smurfie said:
I wish they would go on with the BS audition stuff and start the actual American Idol... I Think he Chris Daughty cd is pretty darn good !

me too, the thing that irritates me is that they have to go through auditions with the producers and other judges before they even see R P & S... so yeah i mean they have some of the screw ups to catch the audience the first couple shows, but seriously, be get the picture, especially with the ones that cry for five minutes after they get booted like the first girl from last night, i mean seriously we don't care she's crying shut her up and show someone else.... some of the people on there make we want to go... :lalala:


My favorite performer from last night was the chick from Columbia who butchered Blondie's "Call me" - but NAILED Shakira's "Hips Don't Lie". The judges showed great judgement by giving her a second chance more in her element.

My favorite sucky performer was the "Urban Amish" guy who never heard of American Idol before, but got swept in to the audition anyway. I WANT THAT HAT!!!

And I'm not sure if it was deliberate or accidental, but locking the left door was sheer genius. Everyone who tried to bolt out the door in tears almost plowed into the door.

I couldn't help but :lol: every time they did that.


New Member
Toxick said:
My favorite performer from last night was the chick from Columbia who butchered Blondie's "Call me" - but NAILED Shakira's "Hips Don't Lie". The judges showed great judgement by giving her a second chance more in her element.

My favorite sucky performer was the "Urban Amish" guy who never heard of American Idol before, but got swept in to the audition anyway. I WANT THAT HAT!!!

And I'm not sure if it was deliberate or accidental, but locking the left door was sheer genius. Everyone who tried to bolt out the door in tears almost plowed into the door.

I couldn't help but :lol: every time they did that.

yeah i thought she sounded very good the 2nd time...

haha, we all laughed at the urban amish guy last night my bf BIL asked if he was from around here... lol

and as far as the door we got to the point we would try to time it perfectly to say, "other door" with the judges lol

TeaBag Express

ashliekay711 said:
yeah i thought she sounded very good the 2nd time...

haha, we all laughed at the urban amish guy last night my bf BIL asked if he was from around here... lol

and as far as the door we got to the point we would try to time it perfectly to say, "other door" with the judges lol

I think they locked that one door on purpose just to see people run into it.