Secret Forum Dinner



CMC122 said:
Sha ne'ne' called. She wants her undie's back:ohwell:
so did you ever get that groth removed or is it still spreadin around the nether regions


CMC122 said:
It looks just like the one your neck spit up :bawl:
OH YEAH??? well your daddy shoulda pulled you out and shot you on the sheets!!

j/k......ya know i luv ya :huggy:


Happy Camper!
BuddyLee said:
Not yet... :shocking:

I think she's letting me think about my torture before she actually goes through with it. :twitch:

But remember, if I give out negative "krama" it takes a way from my statue:really:
Dinner should be fun...I hope alot of folk show up? Do people usually come in mumbers to said events? Is everyone COOL like that? Ever have ne "unwanted" pop-up adds come through and spoil the parTAY!


Go Braves!
ThatNewGuy said:
Dinner should be fun...I hope alot of folk show up? Do people usually come in mumbers to said events? Is everyone COOL like that? Ever have ne "unwanted" pop-up adds come through and spoil the parTAY!
Never :whistle:

We have a good bunch for friday so it should be fun!


Go Braves!
I've sent out PM's to everyone I have on my list for this evening. Please PM if you didn't recieve a PM.
