Secret Service Inadvertently Confirms


Resident PIA
I know, I know. Silly me for asking for pointing out your hypocrisy. You know good and well that you'd be the first on the "but anonymous sources!" bandwagon if if the roles were reversed.

Who knew Biden was such a powerful guy. It's weird though. Someone I knew flew with Biden around the world. Only ever mentioned getting Chrsitmas cards from him. Never mentioned Biden groping his wife at parties. But I guess it's plausible.

Then again, it appears the Privacy Act of 1974 says:

Is there any indication that this was a judicial case or a headquarters criminal investigation which would have to be held for 30 years? Perhaps I'm reading it wrong, but it seems like admin files only need to be retained for 5 years.
and I know people that saw him on the train from Wilmington regularly and said he was an arrogant ass.
I also know that nobody in the military and the secret service that is around the president's family or vice president, would ever speak out.
There would be no public comment from any of them. Regardless of their feelings, for the most part they honor a code to protect and service the executive office.
BTW, you don't think POTUS wouldn't have a word with the detail lead to shut it down.
The double standard is that when a woman comes forward to accuse a democrat, even though she's "believable" and they believe she's telling the truth, she's still shutdown in the same manner, Oh, I believe her, but... how many powerful female politicians, all democrats, have turned on and vilified an accuser when the alleged perpetrator was a democrat? How has the media covered it.
My God, Ted Kennedy killed a woman, left her to die. He's a freaking hero on the left.
Bill Clinton, not just one woman, using the power and resources of his office. We won't talk about JFK because he's a conservative by today's standard.
You don't think people have covered for Biden. Hell, the man who was married to his current wife JIll, says they were dating before the divorce.
The couple campaigned for him, that's how they met. But yet, he will still vote for the guy. May have ended his marriage, but he;s a liberal.

When you don't have a moral standard, there is no reason to defend it.