No offense was intended...
slaphappynmd said:
ok so I'm stupid, oh well, im not as old as you, I don't know everything under the sun. So religion is just a way for control hungry people to gain the control of the weakminded and use them as pawns in a war for their own power. Are you saying religion is just a crock of sh*t? That it was just created to justify killing another person?
...and age has nothing to do with reading history books or paying attention in school and I don't know everything under the sun.
Man started killing one another long before there were any religions as we understand them and we have often found other reasons to kill one another besides religion; economics being a good one.
Man has always been interested in knowledge and religion has served pretty well to cover explaining things as science and reason grew. Over time, some religions had grown so large, they survived. Most of the modern, western world has long since moved past religion being a foundation for violence and graduated to more reasonable things to kill over, like money.
Islam has not yet moved past religion being a good reason to kill.
So, no, religion was not created to justify killing. It was created to justify and support what a given group had figured out about how life worked.
And no, I don't think survival and prosperity are a crock.