See if this boils your blood


Routinely Derailed
I was up in D.C. this past Wednesday. I was in a parking garage and saw a bumper sticker that made me want to commit an act of vandalism. It read:


I can't even imagine what kind of person living in this country would put that on their car.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It was probably my brother-in-law - black Jeep Liberty?

What does that mean, anyway - American Nationalism? What exactly are they trying to stop? :confused:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Bush's political theory is infact liberalism

...but before you get all excited let's be clear: Bush, in wanting democracy in Iraq and in wanting an ownership society to replace SS is engaing in CLASSIC liberalism.

Liberal; Generous, tolerant, favoring reforms.

As we used to know the word, a classic liberal is after equality of opportunity, promoting freedom whenever and where ever possible and would sooner DIE than the cops be the only ones with guns and, all around, emphasizing the individual.

Now, certainly W's stance against gay marriage is not very liberal but his major identity will come from Iraq and from Social Security. His massive expansion of medicaire is a rather liberal idea, in essence, government paying for much of healthcare.

MODERN liberalism is all about group identity and class warfare. See Dean, Kerry, Schumer Daschle et al. They don't have a progressive bone or idea in their bodies. They are a system, the keepers of the spoils system 30 years of hyper sensitivity has bastardized and morphed and beauractized ML Kings 'I have a Dream' speech.

That modern 'liberal' Democrats fought tooth and nail to keep LIBERAL DEMOCRACY from the Middle East is to their eternal shame.


Active Member
vraiblonde said:
Does this mean no one else knows what "American nationalism" means, either?
I think its a cheap jab at saying people are taking it above patriotism to near what Hitler did with german nationalism... I dont agree with it but i think thats what they are trying to say? Like bush is making americans the superior to all people and saying we need to spread out superiority?


vraiblonde said:
What does that mean, anyway - American Nationalism? What exactly are they trying to stop? :confused:

Nationalism means many things. First it's the belief that your nation is superior to all others... which it is. :) Second, it can be a profound sense of pride and love for your country, which should not be confused with patriotism, which is support for your government.

Signs of rampant nationalism can be physical, such as flying the flag, wearing flag pins, having rallys, etc. The can also be more high-level (which is what I guess this bumper sticker is addressing) such as believing that your nation's way of doing things is better than anyone elses, and that the world would be better off if everyone lived like us.


This Space for Rent
Spoiled said:
I think its a cheap jab at saying people are taking it above patriotism to near what Hitler did with german nationalism... I dont agree with it but i think thats what they are trying to say? Like bush is making americans the superior to all people and saying we need to spread out superiority?

Well, if you are the best, you might as well share. :peace:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Spoiled said:
I think its a cheap jab at saying people are taking it above patriotism to near what Hitler did with german nationalism... I dont agree with it but i think thats what they are trying to say? Like bush is making americans the superior to all people and saying we need to spread out superiority?
How can you compare any of this with Hitler? Hitler sought domination through attack and conquer, whereas the Bush Doctrine (AKA American nationalism) is one of holding other nations to internationally agreed upon standards of conduct while preserving our right to act in our own self interest upon being threatened or assaulted.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
believing that your nation's way of doing things is better than anyone elses, and that the world would be better off if everyone lived like us.
Well, it is and it would be - so I guess I'm an American nationalist. :yay:


Active Member
Ken King said:
How can you compare any of this with Hitler? Hitler sought domination through attack and conquer, whereas the Bush Doctrine (AKA American nationalism) is one of holding other nations to internationally agreed upon standards of conduct while preserving our right to act in our own self interest upon being threatened or assaulted.
I said i didnt agree, and i was speaking from what i felt someone else's view point was :\

I do think there is a line between nationalism and patriotism... I usualy think of nationalism as being so obsessed with your country its bad...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It never ceases to amaze me...

How can you compare any of this with Hitler? Hitler sought domination through attack and conquer, whereas the Bush Doctrine (AKA American nationalism) is one of holding other nations to internationally agreed upon standards of conduct while preserving our right to act in our own self interest upon being threatened or assaulted. differently people see things.

Following up on what Ken is saying, if we were even remotely Hitlerarian or Stalanist, or Romanist for that matter, we would OWN AND RUN THE WHOLE SHOW.

It would be the United States of the World. We would be in the middle of a new age of global domination and superiority Rome thought they achieved but could never begin to dream of where we COULD be...if we wanted to.

HELLO asshats. It's NOT WHAT WE DO. We did not colonize Germany or Japan after WWII. We don't want a US state of Iraq. We want the end of tyranny.

We want to do business with you, not own you. If we wanted to own you...
