Seeking Good Psychiatrist


New Member
K_Jo said:
Are you ugly?

why do people post to post that was not even directed to them. So quick to put thier useless two cents in the pot. There has to be alot of kids on here, but alot of adults also that act like who knows

wojo's girl

New Member
Terrylt7 said:
Oh my goodness. LOL Are all of you adults? Is this all you have to do with your lives? What you did was right? All of you can dish it out but cant handle it when it comes back at ya. I see who you all run to.....LOL I bet if it was anybody else but me you would have been called down about it I kind of understand what you all are about(the few that are so tight) A few years back I lived on the computer all day..just as you do. Nothing else in my life but being a busy body online, with the little cliques and all, so I know what your all about. A Threat against you??? :lmao: What was your little busy body thing you did by putting that in the forum. If you cant handle it dont dish it out HUN.

Terry to be honest with you in a nice way, you have posted 42 times in the past day, so don't tell people that they have no life, cause your on the computer too. Alot of people on this forum have gotten a good laugh out of this whole thing...And every time you write you keep giving them one more thing to write about and laugh about too....So I don't know if your writing to get a laugh yourself or because you don't have a life, just like everyone else and all you have to do is sit on the computer....... :popcorn:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Terrylt7 said:
Gee your good, you reply to every post whether it concerns you or not. LOL

I wasn't speaking to you. If you had checked my quote, you would have known that.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Terrylt7 said:
why do people post to post that was not even directed to them. So quick to put thier useless two cents in the pot. There has to be alot of kids on here, but alot of adults also that act like who knows
You can put all the people to whom your posts aren't directed on ignore. :shrug:


New Member
MMDad said:

Well you know how women are, they can get pretty tacky and petty. And I can say that even though I am a woman. I just never thought men were really tacky and petty until your post. Now I may be wrong. Or are you just following what all these women want ya do? hehe Have a nice one


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Terrylt7 said:
Well you know how women are, they can get pretty tacky and petty. And I can say that even though I am a woman. I just never thought men were really tacky and petty until your post. Now I may be wrong. Or are you just following what all these women want ya do? hehe Have a nice one



New Member
FireBrand said:
Hey HUN............

guess I didnt say that right......OKAY jump on the band wagon and send the stupid little remarks about it. It was meant to read..I didnt think men were as tacky as women!!!!