Selective allergy?


Well-Known Member
...depends on how much control they have assumed over you. Are they listening now? Have they made you wear a wire? I'm not putting myself at risk. I have to get the message out before they get to me.

I'm at work, so I think I'm safe. I did see them sitting in a circle last night. Think they were plotting?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I'm at work, so I think I'm safe. I did see them sitting in a circle last night. Think they were plotting?

THINK? Of course they were! It's what they DO!

Do they have access to your computer? They could be on one of those remote access programs. Hell, for all I know YOU are them.



Bookseller Lady
Relative had 4 cats, 3 who were very shy, 1 who would crawl right up in your lap. The friendly one made my eyes and nose react very badly. Benadryl take me away! That was the only time I ever had an allergic reaction to a cat.


'95 ZX6R
Mystical Mom has a couple cats and I'm not allergic to them, but my friend C.P had two orange tabbies that would make my eyes swell shut and itch until I went home and showered.:shrug:

I'm allergic to some cats, I just don't like none of 'em.:lol:

my orange tabby is like that - I'm only mildly allergic to my little tuxedo princes kitkat but the orange tabby will make me and many guests tear up within 15 minutes.


'95 ZX6R
the old orange allergen generator


(edit: the upload didn't work)
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