Sen. Schumer Fascist


PREMO Member

“Order Tucker Carlson… to Stop Spreading the Big Lie”

“As noted in your deposition released yesterday, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and other Fox News personalities knowingly, repeatedly, and dangerously endorsed and promoted the Big Lie that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election. Though you have acknowledged your regret in allowing this grave propaganda to take place, your network hosts continue to promote, spew, and perpetuate elections conspiracy theories to this day,” the Democrat wrote in a letter to Rupert Murdoch referring to the Dominion lawsuit.

The Democrats complained about Speaker McCarthy’s decision to give Tucker Carlson access to the January 6 tapes.

Schumer and Jeffries demanded Tucker Carlson and others participate in a Mao struggle session and publicly apologize for saying words they don’t approve of.

“We demand that you direct Tucker Carlson and other hosts on your network to stop spreading false election narratives and admit on air that they were wrong to engage in such negligent behavior,” the Democrats wrote.

“We ask that you make sure Fox News ceases disseminating the Big Lie and other election conspiracy theories on your network,” they wrote.



Well-Known Member
Then stop claiming Trump collusion.
Stop calling J6 an insurrection when, if Trump WANTED to mount a coup, he could have just ordered armed troops in, instead of the ridiculous narrative that he instead sent in a bunch of unarmed nitwit wannabes.
Stop dismissing the Wuhan virus leak as lies and conspiracy when we now know it's true.
Stop making a life or death issue of masking when it has finally come out that it doesn't do a damned thing.
Stop having people fired and their businesses closed down, when they don't comply with capricious executive decisions when the executives THEMSELVES refuse to follow them.

STOP blaming on the news and on the Hill, every goddamned thing on Trump and white supremacists. Jeez, yesterday, Biden blamed the fentanyl deaths on Trump while clearly - NOT PLANNING to do anything about it.

Lies? Schumer is so steeped in lies, he doesn't have a clue what the truth is.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Then stop claiming Trump collusion.
Stop calling J6 an insurrection when, if Trump WANTED to mount a coup, he could have just ordered armed troops in, instead of the ridiculous narrative that he instead sent in a bunch of unarmed nitwit wannabes.
Stop dismissing the Wuhan virus leak as lies and conspiracy when we now know it's true.
Stop making a life or death issue of masking when it has finally come out that it doesn't do a damned thing.
Stop having people fired and their businesses closed down, when they don't comply with capricious executive decisions when the executives THEMSELVES refuse to follow them.

STOP blaming on the news and on the Hill, every goddamned thing on Trump and white supremacists. Jeez, yesterday, Biden blamed the fentanyl deaths on Trump while clearly - NOT PLANNING to do anything about it.

Lies? Schumer is so steeped in lies, he doesn't have a clue what the truth is.



Well-Known Member
Well folks, there it is. Chuck Schumer the leader of the Senate Democrats right out in the open trying to tell a news agency what they can and cannot report. What more evidence should we need.?


Well-Known Member
Well folks, there it is. Chuck Schumer the leader of the Senate Democrats right out in the open trying to tell a news agency what they can and cannot report. What more evidence should we need.?
I guess the government coding it into law, that no one is allowed to say anything bad about the government.


PREMO Member

Schumer Threatens Fox, Says He Has 'Right' To Tell Them 'What to Do'

We’ve also seen that they don’t understand that Joe Biden isn’t king. He doesn’t get to declare, by unilateral fiat, the cancellation of student debt. That’s not within his Constitutional power, no matter what Democratic politicians may think. But they wanted to do it to pay off their base for their votes. So, they threw a tantrum on the steps of the Supreme Court. All they understand is that they should get to do what they want to hold onto their control.

My gosh, talk about a threat to our “democracy” and our Constitution — there’s a huge one right there, laid out by Schumer, in black and white. Media must comply with what he says, or he will go after you. He will sic his minions on you; he will see what else he can do to force you to comply. Has Schumer ever heard of the 1st Amendment? What happened to freedom of speech without the dictate and control of the government?

Is he kidding? CNN and MSNBC have been lying about Trump and the Republicans for years. Where was Chuck Schumer, when Hillary Clinton and the DNC were involved in paying to promote the Russia collusion lie, that so divided our country and interfered in the 2016 election? For years, that lie was out there, and millions of Democrats still believe some of that nonsense that was promoted by the Democrats and the media. And not just that, but that lie was also promoted to the FBI and used to go after their political opponent, Donald Trump. If Schumer wants to talk about the “worst lie,” he needs to look at that one. But he’s completely cool with that lie or any lie that helps Democrats hold onto power.

Schumer acts as though questioning the results of elections was invented by Donald Trump, and he claims people just accepted the results of elections before Trump. That’s just a straight-up lie too. Let’s not forget all that went before. Let’s talk about how not only was there election interference with the fake Russia story before the 2016 election, but then the efforts afterward to try to suborn the electors so that they wouldn’t vote for Trump, to try to push the Russia collusion story to them in an intel briefing.

Let’s not forget the Democrats who objected to accepting electors from various states and the boycott of the inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017, by over 70 Democrats. Let’s not forget the rioting in the streets from the leftists during the inauguration. How dare Schumer try to rewrite history and pretend that all didn’t happen. Indeed, Democrats have been fervent “election deniers” for at least 22 years. But that’s all just cool, to Schumer.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
We need to abolish the Democrat Party and make it a crime to spew Democrat propaganda or depict Democrat imagery. Like Germany did with the Nazis.

It stuns me that American citizens can watch this fascist calling for censorship of the press and cheer it on. They are more depraved that even I thought, and that's saying something.


PREMO Member
We need to abolish the Democrat Party and make it a crime to spew Democrat propaganda or depict Democrat imagery. Like Germany did with the Nazis.

A legislator in FL introduce a bill to BAN any political party that supported Slavery at ANYTIME

It stuns me that American citizens can watch this fascist calling for censorship of the press and cheer it on. They are more depraved that even I thought, and that's saying something.

EVER Since Charlottesville .. acceptable behavior is to ' Punch a Nazi '

Progressives have been agitating and fomenting for a fight

Trump Administration Officials harassed and run from restaurants and other public spaces

Sen. Mad Max - says get in their faces, do not give then peace

Biden's DOJ allows protestors at the homes of Supreme Court Justics - a clearly ILLEGAL Act - as progressives attempt to intimadate the justyics and terrorize their families

If you gather for a ' right wing ' protest progressives will out you on social media calling your employer - why are you employing a Nazi

Law Firms that supported Trumps LEGAL Election Challenges have their clients called by reporters - I'm doing a Trump News Story, did you know your attorney is working for that Nazi / Fascist / White Supremacist Trump ... how do you think your customers / business partners would feel of they knew you were employing lawyers supporting that Fascist Trump and his effort to OVERTHROW the election and the Will of The PEOPLE

Same thing with advertisers on YouTube - do you know your ads show on the channels of Nazi's / Racists / Homopbes

2 yrs of AntiFA Riots in several blue cites have emboldened the True Fascists

Biden's DOJ goes after peacful Abortion Protestors with FBI raids ... while Jane's Revenge burns down Pregnancy Clinics with impunity

and on and on


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
how do you think your customers / business partners would feel of they knew you were employing lawyers supporting that Fascist Trump and his effort to OVERTHROW the election and the Will of The PEOPLE

The Demcult is like that - they can't conceive of anyone who isn't them. The multi-national corp I work for is all woke and pronouny and like OMG totes diverse (in theory - they don't actually have any POC in leadership positions) (because typical Democrats). But their customer base is overwhelmingly conservative, and if they fired someone for conservative opinions that would pretty much be the end of them. It would take one press conference to put them out of business.

A legislator in FL introduce a bill to BAN any political party that supported Slavery at ANYTIME



Well-Known Member
The Democrat party is the greatest threat to America that exists.
Greater than Russia or China.

They are destroying our country piece by piece every day.
No wonder they want us disarmed.


Well-Known Member
Ever wonder what you might say to a pos like him if you just saw him on the street? I'd make it personal.



PREMO Member

Chuck Schumer to Fox News: ‘Tell Carlson Not to Run a Second Segment’ of January 6 Video Footage

Carlson released footage Monday that alleged Democrats knew Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick had not been murdered during the riot but mislead the public about his death, and that Ray Epps lied to the committee about when he left Capitol grounds. In addition, Carlson allegedly debunked the January 6 Committee’s claim that Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) had run away from the Capitol in fear. It also showed police escorting Shaman Jacob Chansley inside the Capitol.

Schumer, speaking on the Senate floor, was alarmed by the recently disclosed footage and warned more will be released Tuesday evening by Carlson. Schumer said:

I and so many others who were here are just furious with Tucker Carson. With disregard of the risks and knowing full well he was lying, lying to his audience, Fox News host Tucker Carlson ran a lengthy segment last night, arguing the January 6 Capitol attack was not a violent insurrection.



PREMO Member
Chuck Schumer's Hasty Plan To Regulate Artificial Intelligence Is a Really Bad Idea

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D–N.Y.) announced that he has launched a "major effort to get ahead of artificial intelligence." Basically, he plans to impose federal regulations on artificial intelligence (A.I.) technologies soon. Such new regulations will do for A.I. what federal regulations have already done to crop biotechnology: slow progress way down, deny consumers substantial benefits, and make sure that only Big Tech wins, all while not increasing safety or lowering risks.


Schumer said he has drafted and circulated a "framework that outlines a new regulatory regime that would prevent potentially catastrophic damage to our country while simultaneously making sure the U.S. advances and leads in this transformative technology." Just as proponents of biotech regulation asserted more than two decades ago, Schumer is claiming that new A.I. regulations are necessary to make Americans safe from A.I.

"Is new AI-specific regulation necessary?" asks UCLA electrical engineer John Villasenor. Not so fast. He points out that "many of the potentially problematic outcomes from AI systems are already addressed by existing frameworks." The Fair Housing Act would apply to an A.I. algorithm that yields racially discriminatory loan decisions. Product liability law would cover driverless car A.I. software. In addition, regulations adopted at the early stage of a technology's development will quickly be outdated and very hard to update later, e.g., agricultural biotech regulation. And new regulations always come with unintended consequences, notes Villasenor, who points to how regulations supposedly aimed at sex trafficking ended up endangering sex workers.

"While emerging AI raises many concerns," observes Villasenor, "it also promises to bring enormous benefits in areas including education, medicine, manufacturing, transportation safety, agriculture, weather forecasting, access to legal services and more."


PREMO Member

The dad of the victim in a brutal anti-Semitic attack lashed out Monday at Jewish Democratic leaders Jerry Nadler and Chuck Schumer, accusing them during a contentious House Judiciary Committee field hearing of ignoring his son’s plight while permitting Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s soft-on-crime policies.

Barry Borgen told Nadler, the committee’s ranking member, that he was “disappointed” with his fellow “Jewish New Yorker” over his response to the attack on Joseph Borgen, who was brutally beaten while walking to a pro-Israel rally near Times Square in May 2021.

“I called Mr. Schumer’s office, another Jewish New Yorker, numerous times. No one called us back,” Borgen told Nadler, who reps Midtown Manhattan as well as the Upper West Side and Upper East Side, of his treatment by the Senate’s majority leader.



PREMO Member

After Congress passed the ERA in March 1972, three-fourths of states had to ratify it within seven years for the amendment to be added to the Constitution. While 35 states ratified the amendment, it failed to gain ratification of the required 38 states, even after the expiration deadline was extended to 1982.

Despite the amendment expiring, Nevada and Illinois ratified the ERA in 2017 and 2018, respectively. Virginia followed suit in 2020, becoming the 38th state to approve the amendment.

Now, the Senate is voting on a measure to remove the expiration date from the amendment, with the ultimate aim of adding the amendment to the Constitution.

The amendment reads: “Women shall have equal rights in the United States and every place subject to its jurisdiction. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.”



PREMO Member

Schumer demands Texas judge make changes to prevent 'forum shopping'

The top Senate Democrat argued that the district court's current practice in assigning cases often results in a single judge hearing cases from their divisions, rather than evenly distributing and randomly assigning the cases. He expressed concern that as a result, plaintiffs who file lawsuits take advantage of that system and are able to effectively choose judges who might rule in their favor. Schumer urged Godbey to change that given his authority to decide how cases are assigned to judges in his district.

"Even though the Northern District has twelve active judges and another four senior judges who still hear cases, your orders provide that civil cases filed in many divisions are always assigned to a single judge, or to one of just a few," the letter said.

Cases filed in the Amarillo division, Schumer said, are "always assigned to Judge [Matthew] Kacsmaryk," a controversial Donald Trump appointee who issued the abortion medication ruling. The Supreme Court last week blocked the decision from taking effect, allowing the abortion pill to remain on the market while litigation continues in the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

"As a result of your recent assignment orders, plaintiffs in your district can now effectively choose the judge who will hear their cases," Schumer wrote to Godbey. "Unsurprisingly, litigants have taken advantage of these orders to hand-pick individual district judges seen as particularly sympathetic to their claims."

yeah court shopping is ok for Progressives, but when progressives are impacted, suddenly that ain't cool