Senator Mikulski and District 29.


JPC, Sr.

:otter: Our representative in the U.S. Senate Barbera A. Mikulski (D-Md) has criticized the work force cuts by attrition (not refilling vacated jobs) at the Pax River Navy Base.

The Link to the March 15, 2006, Mikulski press release here.

:yay: It is very possible that the Navy is trying to reduce the growth pressure on this area because the Navy does know it is the culpret and the Navy can function by procedure and limitations, BUT, Senator Mikulski will have none of that as she is not considering the affected St. Mary's County at all. She is only pushing her blind greed that she wants more and more and it does not even enter into her press release that her greed driven demands on the Navy Base is hurting our community.

:elaine: The person and the place to tell Mikulski off is in District 29B but she has no concern for him because Bohanan is already bought and paid for and that puppet does not pull any one else's strings.

If Mikulski was bringing the overcrowded schools, overloaded roads, the inflated property prices, etc. etc., to 29c then O'Donnel(R) would get in the way - big time, but not 29B, because 29B is in their pocket and our local population gets dumped on.

:jameo: No, it is not a Democrat verses Republican issue. Senseless, poor and incompetant government is not really partisan. The true Democratic Party values have never supported big business overrunning a community. The Democratic Party principles do not ever support over loading the infrastructure of their community. Senator Mikulski is not totally to blame because it is the Representative of 29B who has the place to defend and to protect what he represents and Bohanan does not do it. He sells out the community and it is he that sells out the Democrat policies and it is Bohanan that needs to get gone.

:wench: ---------------------------------- :wah:


Lem Putt
JPC said:
If Mikulski was bringing the overcrowded schools, overloaded roads, the inflated property prices, etc. etc., to 29c then O'Donnel(R) would get in the way - big time, but not 29B, because 29B is in their pocket and our local population gets dumped on.
The schools in 29C are just as overcrowded as in 29B - they're not.

Have you driven over the bridge lately? That's in 29C. I guess you wouldn't know that.

Housing prices are actually higher in 29C.

Have you ever considered using facts as you spew your idiocy?


JPC said:
:otter: Our representative in the U.S. Senate Barbera A. Mikulski (D-Md) has criticized the work force cuts by attrition (not refilling vacated jobs) at the Pax River Navy Base.

:shocked: OMFG!!!11!! She's part of the OLIGARCHY :faint:


JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

MMDad said:
The schools in 29C are just as overcrowded as in 29B - they're not.

Have you driven over the bridge lately? That's in 29C. I guess you wouldn't know that.

Housing prices are actually higher in 29C.

Have you ever considered using facts as you spew your idiocy?
:coffee: I do not say that 29c is perfect or ideal. I would say that their infrastructure stress comes mostly from the excessive growth here in 29B. Delegate O'Donnel(R) can not stop all the influx and the inflation from 29B but he does try hard and that is what I respect.

The overcrowded schools in 29B is not the same scenario as in 29c and I suspect we just do not see all that is going on to control it. Here in 29B the Board of Education is planning new school construction of double decker 100 acre Columbine style school buildings to be constructed to pick up the overcrowding and 29c certainly is not concidering such a monstrosity being put in their area. At least not so long as they keep the strong leadership in their Maryland legislature. We do not have that here in 29B until I get elected and then we will.

:wench: ------------------------------------- :whistle:

Fred Hoeck

New Member
What is wrong with multi-story schools? Saves land. Cuts back on sprawl.
What really needs to be looked at is will the new schools be needed in the future if the Base cuts back on work. Many localities are closing schools due to lack of enrolment. Think out 20-30 years when building using our, the taxpayers, money.


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:coffee: I do not say that 29c is perfect or ideal. I would say that their infrastructure stress comes mostly from the excessive growth here in 29B. Delegate O'Donnel(R) can not stop all the influx and the inflation from 29B but he does try hard and that is what I respect.

The overcrowded schools in 29B is not the same scenario as in 29c and I suspect we just do not see all that is going on to control it. Here in 29B the Board of Education is planning new school construction of double decker 100 acre Columbine style school buildings to be constructed to pick up the overcrowding and 29c certainly is not concidering such a monstrosity being put in their area. At least not so long as they keep the strong leadership in their Maryland legislature. We do not have that here in 29B until I get elected and then we will.

:wench: ------------------------------------- :whistle:
What a maroon. Have you ever seen the schools you talk about? I assume not, since you are wrong. But that is best, because I don't want you around children.

The last two high schools built in Calvert (that's half of the high schools) are larger than what you complain about. Why all the O'Donnel :buttkiss: ? Do you think it'll actually help you?

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

Fred Hoeck said:
What is wrong with multi-story schools? Saves land. Cuts back on sprawl.
:popcorn: Of course that makes sense that huge double decker schools are best for keeping up with the out of control growth. My point is that the outrageous growth is pushing our area into this complex situation so now our nice little rural schools are now going to have our students in institutional type schools and it is only because our area has to provide for the greed of a few of the rich leaders in our area that are orchestrating it all.

Fred Hoeck said:
What really needs to be looked at is will the new schools be needed in the future if the Base cuts back on work. Many localities are closing schools due to lack of enrolment. Think out 20-30 years when building using our, the taxpayers, money.
:coffee: It is true that we are setting our home up for a big fall. The best protection is to cut back now. Being the servants of that Navy Base is foolish enough but to be prisoners to its condition and dependant on the Navy Base is a big point of my platform. It is like an addiction where the people become hooked on the thing and just can not let go of the problem. The string needs to be cut now and as the Representative in 29B we can start bringing back sensible government to this area. The Navy Base is a guest in our home and we are not to be its servants.

:wench: ---------------------------------- :howdy:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

Are you aware that as of 2004 (the most current data) the county's annual population growth was only 10% which was down from the 13% rate we had in 2000, which was also down from the 27% rate of growth in 1990. The state, as a whole, is ranked 23rd in the nation for population growth as of 2000 with a rate of 10.8%. In other words, things could be a heck of a lot worse. For instance check Nevada, their growth was at 66.3% between 1990 and 2000.

Now with these facts in hand, and since we are at the same level as the state was in 2000, do you think the Navy base is causing that severe of an impact or are we just on par for growth?


New Member
Have you interviewed any Navy officials concerning your thoughts on this? :lol:

I didin't think so.

I think you give the Navy WAY too much credit here.

Again, looking at the broad scope of things, I think as a politician, you'd have to be an absolute idiot to not want to bring jobs into your area especially considering the unstable economic outlook of this country right now.

JPC, lemme ask you this. Since this is a big issue in your campaign, you ought to know...

How many new programs are coming to the base by 2008? How many existing programs will be rapping up and leaving?

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

MMDad said:
... ... The last two high schools built in Calvert (that's half of the high schools) are larger than what you complain about.
:yay: Perhaps the schools in the Northern part of Calvert County like near Annapolis but I do not know of any super large institutional size schools down around Lusby or Prince Frederick. Plus I did refer to them as "double decker" schools and I have no objection to any school being 2 or more stories high but I heard at a meeting of the Board of Education for SMC and the official use that expression to describe their new bigger design that they plan for handling the growth. Perhaps when the BOE described the plan as "double decker" they meant equivolent of 2 schools in one.

MMDad said:
Why all the O'Donnel :buttkiss: ? Do you think it'll actually help you?
:elaine: The reference to O'Donnel is really because some seem to think that a Maryland Legislature Delegate can only write laws and Bills in Annapolis and so I figured to point out that Delegate O'Donnel(R) is himself speaking out about the size of their Wal-Mart store, and O'Donnel is himself wanting to restrict the flow of traffic through his District 29c going to our 29B. Thus the bottom line is that when I do become the new Delegate for 29B then I will have the authority to stop the Navy Base growth, and that our present sell-out Bohanan could do it too but he has failed to defend or to protect our community. When I get there then Steny Hoyer will never be my boss.

:wench: -------------------------- :coffee:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

Ken King said:

Are you aware that as of 2004 (the most current data) the county's annual population growth was only 10% which was down from the 13% rate we had in 2000, which was also down from the 27% rate of growth in 1990. The state, as a whole, is ranked 23rd in the nation for population growth as of 2000 with a rate of 10.8%. In other words, things could be a heck of a lot worse. For instance check Nevada, their growth was at 66.3% between 1990 and 2000.

Now with these facts in hand, and since we are at the same level as the state was in 2000, do you think the Navy base is causing that severe of an impact or are we just on par for growth?
:coffee: The guy I am running against and planning to replace also uses these same kind of statistics to justify his position and I say those statistics are all rubbish when our schools are overcrowded, and the roads inadequate, the Detention Center overflowing, property prices super inflated, and the entire infrastucture over burdened, so what is the difference if the statistics say we have less growth then some other place? The difference is that this is our home and we either govern it sensibly or we try to keep up will some statistics that do not apply to our area. I say we start to govern our home sensibly and respectfully and forget about the demands from the rest of the world.

:wench: ------------------------------------- :howdy:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:coffee: The guy I am running against and planning to replace also uses these same kind of statistics to justify his position and I say those statistics are all rubbish when our schools are overcrowded, and the roads inadequate, the Detention Center overflowing, property prices super inflated, and the entire infrastucture over burdened, so what is the difference if the statistics say we have less growth then some other place? The difference is that this is our home and we either govern it sensibly or we try to keep up will some statistics that do not apply to our area. I say we start to govern our home sensibly and respectfully and forget about the demands from the rest of the world.

:wench: ------------------------------------- :howdy:
He does that because it is factual information and shows an understanding that unless there becomes some policy to regulate and control population growth you will always be dealing with increases.

What is your plan? It seems to me that you want to see a negative population growth so that overcrowding disappears. How many children will countians be able to procreate in your world?


New Member
With the potential loss of 2000 jobs at Pax River, looks like Steny Hoyer and John Bohanan can't claim credit for being saviors of Pax River. These two guys have to rely on Barbara Mikulski to do the heavy lifting to help save those 2000 jobs. Where is the dynamic duo now that there appears to be some jobs leaving through attrition?


New Member
JPC said:
:yay: Perhaps the schools in the Northern part of Calvert County like near Annapolis but I do not know of any super large institutional size schools down around Lusby or Prince Frederick. Plus I did refer to them as "double decker" schools and I have no objection to any school being 2 or more stories high but I heard at a meeting of the Board of Education for SMC and the official use that expression to describe their new bigger design that they plan for handling the growth. Perhaps when the BOE described the plan as "double decker" they meant equivolent of 2 schools in one.

:elaine: The reference to O'Donnel is really because some seem to think that a Maryland Legislature Delegate can only write laws and Bills in Annapolis and so I figured to point out that Delegate O'Donnel(R) is himself speaking out about the size of their Wal-Mart store, and O'Donnel is himself wanting to restrict the flow of traffic through his District 29c going to our 29B. Thus the bottom line is that when I do become the new Delegate for 29B then I will have the authority to stop the Navy Base growth, and that our present sell-out Bohanan could do it too but he has failed to defend or to protect our community. When I get there then Steny Hoyer will never be my boss.

:wench: -------------------------- :coffee:

If you want to control growth in St. Mary's County, you should run for County Commissioner. Delegates should nopt interfere with local issues. You will be doing exactly what Steny Hoyer is doing with John Bohanan regarding how to do business in Annapolis.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

Ken King said:
He does that because it is factual information and shows an understanding that unless there becomes some policy to regulate and control population growth you will always be dealing with increases.

What is your plan? It seems to me that you want to see a negative population growth so that overcrowding disappears. How many children will countians be able to procreate in your world?
:coffee: Normal healthy growth is not the same thing as having our political leaders orchestrating the growth through bringing many new contracts to the Navy Base with huge work forces when our entire infrastucture is being over burdened already. That is what sloppy and incompetent government means.

KK might be right that negative growth might well be my ideal. If we get those big Navy contracts to move away like take that Presidential Helicopter and take back the Multi-Mission Aircraft program and take back the other big projects and let those big huge work forces go to a location that has the infrastructure to handle them then St. Mary's County could have a negative population growth or say de-growth. I like that plan. Thanks KK.

:wench: ----------------------------- :popcorn:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:coffee: Normal healthy growth is not the same thing as having our political leaders orchestrating the growth through bringing many new contracts to the Navy Base with huge work forces when our entire infrastucture is being over burdened already. That is what sloppy and incompetent government means.

KK might be right that negative growth might well be my ideal. If we get those big Navy contracts to move away like take that Presidential Helicopter and take back the Multi-Mission Aircraft program and take back the other big projects and let those big huge work forces go to a location that has the infrastructure to handle them then St. Mary's County could have a negative population growth or say de-growth. I like that plan. Thanks KK.

:wench: ----------------------------- :popcorn:
Lack of understanding again, typical. My point JPC is that we will continue to grow regardless of what projects come in or what projects go out at the Navy base. What will you blame then when we have the same problem with less of a tax base to support it?

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

Ken King said:
Lack of understanding again, typical. My point JPC is that we will continue to grow regardless of what projects come in or what projects go out at the Navy base. What will you blame then when we have the same problem with less of a tax base to support it?
:coffee: That is just an unrealistic scenerio. The big growth here in St. Mary's County is dependant on the Navy Base expantion, of that I am quite sure.

As Colin Powel once compared things, Cut off the head and the body will die.
Probably misspelled his name and did an inaccurate quote but the message I do know. And with that I mean that when I cut off the Navy Base growth then the body of inflation and overload infrastructure will end.

:wench: ------------------------------ :popcorn:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

Ponytail said:
Have you interviewed any Navy officials concerning your thoughts on this? :lol:

I didin't think so.
:elaine: No, and it would be wrong of me to put them on the spot like that. After the election then I will do many interviews. When they have US Congressman and US Senators pushing the Navy to fill the oligarch greed then the Navy is not free to directly speak anything against the ....

:yay: But I do know the Navy Base well. I have worked on the Base before in the Supply and in A-4 maintenance and in the Paint shop, all years ago like circa 1974. My mother worked in Supply and last for Security and now retired, and had sisters that dated Sailors too, ugh.

Ponytail said:
I think you give the Navy WAY too much credit here.
:yay: We disagree here as I think the Navy deserves the credit for putting up with the unethical demands of our oligarchy since the Navy has little choice against the elected officials.

Ponytail said:
Again, looking at the broad scope of things, I think as a politician, you'd have to be an absolute idiot to not want to bring jobs into your area especially considering the unstable economic outlook of this country right now.
:yay: Not.

Ponytail said:
JPC, lemme ask you this. Since this is a big issue in your campaign, you ought to know...

How many new programs are coming to the base by 2008? How many existing programs will be rapping up and leaving?
:popcorn: I do know that a lot of them are coming and some like the Presidential helicopter and the Multi-Mission group has a lot of small programs tagging along, but I surely do not have a count. But by 2008 if I am elected in 29B then I want all of them to pack up and leave.

:wench: -------------------------------- :howdy:


JPC said:
:elaine: No, and it would be wrong of me to put them on the spot like that. After the election then I will do many interviews. When they have US Congressman and US Senators pushing the Navy to fill the oligarch greed then the Navy is not free to directly speak anything against the ....

:yay: But I do know the Navy Base well. I have worked on the Base before in the Supply and in A-4 maintenance and in the Paint shop, all years ago like circa 1974. My mother worked in Supply and last for Security and now retired, and had sisters that dated Sailors too, ugh.

:yay: We disagree here as I think the Navy deserves the credit for putting up with the unethical demands of our oligarchy since the Navy has little choice against the elected officials.

:yay: Not.

:popcorn: I do know that a lot of them are coming and some like the Presidential helicopter and the Multi-Mission group has a lot of small programs tagging along, but I surely do not have a count. But by 2008 if I am elected in 29B then I want all of them to pack up and leave.
:lmao: :killingme :jameo: :lmao: :roflmao:


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:coffee: That is just an unrealistic scenerio. The big growth here in St. Mary's County is dependant on the Navy Base expantion, of that I am quite sure.

As Colin Powel once compared things, Cut off the head and the body will die.
Probably misspelled his name and did an inaccurate quote but the message I do know. And with that I mean that when I cut off the Navy Base growth then the body of inflation and overload infrastructure will end.

:wench: ------------------------------ :popcorn:

This is your most honest post yet. You realize that the Navy is the foundation of our economy. You want to cut off the head. Then the body will die.

Your desire is for everyone to be a pathetic, unemployed loser. That way you will no longer be a freak, you will be the norm.

Great platform.