Senator Mikulski and District 29.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:coffee: That is just an unrealistic scenerio. The big growth here in St. Mary's County is dependant on the Navy Base expantion, of that I am quite sure.

As Colin Powel once compared things, Cut off the head and the body will die.
Probably misspelled his name and did an inaccurate quote but the message I do know. And with that I mean that when I cut off the Navy Base growth then the body of inflation and overload infrastructure will end.

:wench: ------------------------------ :popcorn:
Population growth will continue with or without any new activity at the base. Its the same anywhere in the world. People are living longer and still reproducing at a healthy rate.

An increase of 1000 or so persons to support the new positions is still only about 1% total growth and that is only if the all locate to the county and it doesn't account for many positions that will be filled by people already living here.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

Ken King said:
Population growth will continue with or without any new activity at the base. Its the same anywhere in the world. People are living longer and still reproducing at a healthy rate.

An increase of 1000 or so persons to support the new positions is still only about 1% total growth and that is only if the all locate to the county and it doesn't account for many positions that will be filled by people already living here.
:coffee: I think that boils the equation down to my point. That you think the growth and the greed are normal natural occurances and we must just get comfortable while it over runs our home. Those statistics support the surrender and submit mentality while I am campaigning on action and defence of our infrastructure. I think this represents "drawing the line", as the saying goes.

:wench: ---------------------------------- :howdy:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:coffee: I think that boils the equation down to my point. That you think the growth and the greed are normal natural occurances and we must just get comfortable while it over runs our home. Those statistics support the surrender and submit mentality while I am campaigning on action and defence of our infrastructure. I think this represents "drawing the line", as the saying goes.

:wench: ---------------------------------- :howdy:
Don't try to think, I'm sure it gives you a major headache. Population growth is normal, greed has nothing to do with it.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

Ken King said:
Don't try to think, I'm sure it gives you a major headache. Population growth is normal, greed has nothing to do with it.
:coffee: When one person or many people seek to enrich them self and then do so with little or no regard of the consequences being inflicted onto others or onto the community THEN that is what greed means, and that is what we have being done here in 29B and I plan to stop it.

:wench: ---------------------------- :war:


JPC said:
That you think the growth and the greed are normal natural occurances and we must just get comfortable while it over runs our home.

I'm not seeing this greed of which you speak, but growth is quite natural.

Completely effortlessly (at least on my part), the population of my personal domicile has increased 500% in a little under 8 years.


And that's only in MY house - can you imagine the accumulated population growth of an entire COUNTY! And in a little under 20 years, almost all of those new people are going to need jobs (at least the ones who can be bothered to work) - and houses. And THEN on top of ALL THAT - the populations in their houses will experience a growth spurt and this entire cycle will begin again.


Me? I'm just going to pick which kid I like best, and toss the rest of them off the T.J Bridge in a sack full of bricks.

Keeps the growth to a minimum (AND I get to keep more of my money for myself.)


Lem Putt
Toxick said:
Me? I'm just going to pick which kid I like best, and toss the rest of them off the T.J Bridge in a sack full of bricks.

Keeps the growth to a minimum (AND I get to keep more of my money for myself.)
:lmao: :killingme

As JPC has already educated us, kids don't need beds, they can sleep on the couch. Also, since they have little mouths they don't eat much. Therefore they don't cost much, so you won't be saving much.

If only JPC's parents had decided to stop the growth way back then...


JPC said:
When one person or many people seek to enrich them self and then do so with little or no regard of the consequences being inflicted onto others or onto the community THEN that is what greed means

This deserves repeating

JPC said:
When one person or many people seek to enrich them self and then do so with little or no regard of the consequences being inflicted onto others or onto the community THEN that is what greed means


JPC said:
When one person or many people seek to enrich them self and then do so with little or no regard of the consequences being inflicted onto others or onto the community THEN that is what greed means

With a swedish accent:

JPC said:
Vhen vun person or many people seek to enrich zem self and zen do so vith little or no regard of ze consequences being inflicted onto others or onto ze community ZEN zat is vhat greed means. Bork-bork-bork

While I'm wearing my funny hat
JPC said:
When one person or many people seek to enrich them self and then do so with little or no regard of the consequences being inflicted onto others or onto the community THEN that is what greed means

With minor - but relevant - subsitutions:

JPC said:
When one person seeks to enrich himself and then do so with little or no regard of the consequences being inflicted onto others in his family - in particular his offspring - THEN that is what greed means

:bigwhoop: :bigwhoop: :bigwhoop:


JPC said:
and I plan to stop it


JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

Toxick said:
I'm not seeing this greed of which you speak, but growth is quite natural.

Completely effortlessly (at least on my part), the population of my personal domicile has increased 500% in a little under 8 years.

NOT KIDDING!! ... ... ...
:elaine: The big destructive greed comes from only the few already rich and in authority. The oligarchy and its pawns.

:wench: ---------------------------------- :lmao:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

2ndAmendment said:
I see stupid people. They are everywhere. They don't know they are stupid.
:coffee: I never see "stupid" people anywhere. Perhaps it is only "in the eyes of the beholder" as the saying goes.

:wench: ----------------------------------- :lalala:


Iron City
JPC said:
:coffee: I never see "stupid" people anywhere. Perhaps it is only "in the eyes of the beholder" as the saying goes.

:wench: ----------------------------------- :lalala:
Do you have a mirror? And BTW stay the he!! out of Calvert County issues a$$ hat. You have no interest here.


JPC said:
Perhaps it is only "in the eyes of the beholder" as the saying goes.

Oh no. There's plenty of stupid.

Next to Hydrogen, stupidity is the most abundant thing in the universe.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

Footballfreak said:
If you want to control growth in St. Mary's County, you should run for County Commissioner. Delegates should nopt interfere with local issues. You will be doing exactly what Steny Hoyer is doing with John Bohanan regarding how to do business in Annapolis.
:coffee: I did consider the County Commissioner position but in the State of Maryland (maybe other States too) the County gov is subordinate to the State gov.

It is subtle but still profound that the State is monarch over the County gov. So the only way I can succeed at my platform is through 29B. Plus I do not have any real ambition to be in politics so that if it were not for my platform concerns then I do think that I would not be seeking election at all.

:wench: ------------------------------- :whistle:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
JPC said:
Plus I do not have any real ambition to be in politics so that if it were not for my platform concerns then I do think that I would not be seeking election at all.
Good thing you have no political ambition, because your political life will be short lived.