I am surprised that so many have forgotten the year. I will never forget 9/11/01.
However the Challenger accident happened when I was in 5th grade and I remember it like yesterday, but I can only tell you the year, not the exact date. Most historical events are named, but they are NOT usually named specifically for the date they occurred, so I guess I am surprised that people don't remember the year that 9/11 occurred, considering the event is named specifically for the day of the year.
However the Challenger accident happened when I was in 5th grade and I remember it like yesterday, but I can only tell you the year, not the exact date. Most historical events are named, but they are NOT usually named specifically for the date they occurred, so I guess I am surprised that people don't remember the year that 9/11 occurred, considering the event is named specifically for the day of the year.