September 11


hvp05 said:
JPC must be lurking.

I don't want to recount every detail, but I will mark the notable times: 8:45a, WTC North hit; 9:03a, WTC South hit; 9:43a, Pentagon hit; 10:05a, WTC South collapsed; 10:10a, Flight 93 crashed; 10:28a, WTC North collapsed.

The media frenzy will probably be overwhelming and irritating, as most have said.

That's why I say they are the enemy within, our own citizens sympathizing with the enemy. UFB! :duh:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
hvp05 said:
a Harley... :lol: Don't you mean the Harley? The most awesome Harley ever to have hit pavement?
We digress.

I will attend a ceremony in rememberance tomorrow for 911. Or, if I don't, we'll get the flags lowered.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
I'm not apprehensive. I consider myself reminded. And proud of those who stood together in the face of adversity and terrorism. I'm saddened that six years later, there is still no real conflict resolution or victory over those who attacked us on our own soil, using our own devices. I am regretful that we had to be targeted, more so that we did not obliterate those who targeted us to show we will not tolerate terrorism, in any form. Our fallen deserve that. Our heroes deserve that. I am angry, really angry.

Mostly, I am grateful. Grateful that through all of the disaster, the fearless street soldiers courageously risked their lives for the unknown. Passengers of United Flight 93 took it upon themselves to try to overtake hijakers, Pentagon personnel used skill and millitary backing to evacuate and save where and when they could. Our soldiers are tirelessly rotating overseas, troop after troop... I am grateful to be apart of a great country.

So, no, not apprehensive, just reflective. :patriot:


Nothing to see here
virgovictoria said:
I'm not apprehensive. I consider myself reminded. And proud of those who stood together in the face of adversity and terrorism. I'm saddened that six years later, there is still no real conflict resolution or victory over those who attacked us on our own soil, using our own devices. I am regretful that we had to be targeted, more so that we did not obliterate those who targeted us to show we will not tolerate terrorism, in any form. Our fallen deserve that. Our heroes deserve that. I am angry, really angry.

Mostly, I am grateful. Grateful that through all of the disaster, the fearless street soldiers courageously risked their lives for the unknown. Passengers of United Flight 93 took it upon themselves to try to overtake hijakers, Pentagon personnel used skill and millitary backing to evacuate and save where and when they could. Our soldiers are tirelessly rotating overseas, troop after troop... I am grateful to be apart of a great country.

So, no, not apprehensive, just reflective. :patriot:

nokarmaforyou!! I'll say it in the open..fantastic post.


New Member
virgovictoria said:
I'm not apprehensive. I consider myself reminded. And proud of those who stood together in the face of adversity and terrorism. I'm saddened that six years later, there is still no real conflict resolution or victory over those who attacked us on our own soil, using our own devices. I am regretful that we had to be targeted, more so that we did not obliterate those who targeted us to show we will not tolerate terrorism, in any form. Our fallen deserve that. Our heroes deserve that. I am angry, really angry.

Mostly, I am grateful. Grateful that through all of the disaster, the fearless street soldiers courageously risked their lives for the unknown. Passengers of United Flight 93 took it upon themselves to try to overtake hijakers, Pentagon personnel used skill and millitary backing to evacuate and save where and when they could. Our soldiers are tirelessly rotating overseas, troop after troop... I am grateful to be apart of a great country.

So, no, not apprehensive, just reflective. :patriot:

This post should be reported because it made a man cry! :yay: :yay:


New Member
virgovictoria said:
I'm not apprehensive. I consider myself reminded. And proud of those who stood together in the face of adversity and terrorism. I'm saddened that six years later, there is still no real conflict resolution or victory over those who attacked us on our own soil, using our own devices. I am regretful that we had to be targeted, more so that we did not obliterate those who targeted us to show we will not tolerate terrorism, in any form. Our fallen deserve that. Our heroes deserve that. I am angry, really angry.

Mostly, I am grateful. Grateful that through all of the disaster, the fearless street soldiers courageously risked their lives for the unknown. Passengers of United Flight 93 took it upon themselves to try to overtake hijakers, Pentagon personnel used skill and millitary backing to evacuate and save where and when they could. Our soldiers are tirelessly rotating overseas, troop after troop... I am grateful to be apart of a great country.

So, no, not apprehensive, just reflective. :patriot:

Wonderful post :clap: :patriot:


I'm grateful and honored to live in a country with the the most heroic Soldiers, Fire departments, Police, and everyone that helps them! :patriot:
I think I will be avoiding the news today if all it consists of is replay of '01.


Happy Camper
virgovictoria said:
I'm not apprehensive. I consider myself reminded. And proud of those who stood together in the face of adversity and terrorism. I'm saddened that six years later, there is still no real conflict resolution or victory over those who attacked us on our own soil, using our own devices. I am regretful that we had to be targeted, more so that we did not obliterate those who targeted us to show we will not tolerate terrorism, in any form. Our fallen deserve that. Our heroes deserve that. I am angry, really angry.

Mostly, I am grateful. Grateful that through all of the disaster, the fearless street soldiers courageously risked their lives for the unknown. Passengers of United Flight 93 took it upon themselves to try to overtake hijakers, Pentagon personnel used skill and millitary backing to evacuate and save where and when they could. Our soldiers are tirelessly rotating overseas, troop after troop... I am grateful to be apart of a great country.

So, no, not apprehensive, just reflective. :patriot:

Perfect post... :patriot:


Main Streeter
jenbengen said:
Not really. I tend to reflect on what happened when I realize it is the 11th. But I try not to watch the mad coverage of the anniversary because the news media seems to want to insight fear in everybody. It annoys me.

:yeahthat: The govt & media just feed off of the fear.


dont be dumb
awpitt said:
:yeahthat: The govt & media just feed off of the fear.

The "people" as a collective conscience feed of the fear. the govt and media are manifestations of our collective soul as a people.