Serial child rapist hanged in Iran



I'm sorry, but no pix

February 24, 2004
AN Iranian man found guilty of raping seven children and abducting scores of others was hanged Tuesday in the southwestern town of Marvdasht, the state news agency IRNA reported.

Mohammad Ali Firouzi, branded the "King of Terror" for his violent run of crime, had been convicted of seven counts of rape, 36 counts of abduction and several counts of torture and theft.

The court handed him a total of eight death sentences and 74 lashes.

Murder, armed robbery, rape, apostasy and serious drug trafficking are all punishable by death in Iran.


The court handed him a total of eight death sentences and 74 lashes.

I hope they gave the lashes before the death sentence. Anyway, I wish we had court house hangings again.


I was in Saudi Arabia during DS 1 and they indoc you to their form of justice. From what I remember Wednsday is the day thay do their punishments form the weeks convictions. They do it at a public square in the city center. If they see an American there they push you to the front of the crowd of spectators so you get a first hand view. They are very proud of their justice. Luckily I never wandered down there at the right time because their death sentence is beheading. I am not sure if I could stand there and watch that but a good whipping would be no problem.


Originally posted by Pete
I am not sure if I could stand there and watch that but a good whipping would be no problem.

I could....... :yay:
Originally posted by Pete
I am not sure if I could stand there and watch that but a good whipping would be no problem.
Shoot, for the right criminal, I would PAY to swing the sword.


Good justice system. Need to have it here in the States. Child molesters=public hanging, Murderers=public execution Let the teenagers watch. Should prevent alot of future criminals.


Originally posted by huntr1
Shoot, for the right criminal, I would PAY to swing the sword.
I know a couple of guys who thought the same and they were mistaken. Both said it was the most ghastly thing they ever saw and 1 had nightmares for weeks.

From what I was told they bend the kneeling convict over the chopping block. As the executioner draws back an assistant jabs a dagger in the rib cage of the executee. This causes an involuntary muscle retraction that keeps the convict from hunching their shoulders and messing up a clean sever.

That could be all BS as I never actually saw it.


Originally posted by Pete
I know a couple of guys who thought the same and they were mistaken. Both said it was the most ghastly thing they ever saw and 1 had nightmares for weeks.

From what I was told they bend the kneeling convict over the chopping block. As the executioner draws back an assistant jabs a dagger in the rib cage of the executee. This causes an involuntary muscle retraction that keeps the convict from hunching their shoulders and messing up a clean sever.

That could be all BS as I never actually saw it.
I heard something simular....they said it has to do with keeping the neck muscles tight so the sword will cut through easier......



Asperger's Poster Child
He should get a Twilight Zone type of punishment where he dies painful, torturous deaths over and over for all eternity. Failing that, we should keep him alive and destroy his soul, his dreams and everything he ever loved. The most brutal thing I could think of would be to shoot his loved ones in front of his eyes, but that would harm innocent people.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Pete
I was in Saudi Arabia during DS 1 and they indoc you to their form of justice. From what I remember Wednsday is the day thay do their punishments form the weeks convictions. They do it at a public square in the city center. If they see an American there they push you to the front of the crowd of spectators so you get a first hand view. They are very proud of their justice. Luckily I never wandered down there at the right time because their death sentence is beheading. I am not sure if I could stand there and watch that but a good whipping would be no problem.
Yep, our Wednesday = their Friday. I got to see it in 1984 or 85 during one of many deployments to Saudi. Three beheadings and a stoning. Ghastly is the right term for the beheadings, but the woman that was stoned was a let down, all they did was back a dump truck up and let loose the load. I wanted one rock at a time.

The beheadings are as been described the assistant shoves a stelletto into the small of the back tensing up the victim causing the neck to extend and then swish, head gone. The criminal receiving the punishment looked to be feeling no pain at the beginning and certainly less afterwards. No nightmares though.


New Member
Originally posted by Pete
I was in Saudi Arabia during DS 1 and they indoc you to their form of justice. From what I remember Wednsday is the day thay do their punishments form the weeks convictions. They do it at a public square in the city center. If they see an American there they push you to the front of the crowd of spectators so you get a first hand view. They are very proud of their justice. Luckily I never wandered down there at the right time because their death sentence is beheading. I am not sure if I could stand there and watch that but a good whipping would be no problem.

I had a many of good whippins when i was a young boy... :whip: :moon:


New Member
Originally posted by Vince
Good justice system. Need to have it here in the States. Child molesters=public hanging, Murderers=public execution Let the teenagers watch. Should prevent alot of future criminals.

yes it would prevent alot of future criminals.. Guys/gals don't mind going to jail today, b/c it just wouldn't be right if the jails weren't clean, the food wasn't good, or they weren't treated humanely. Besides they are only criminals :shrug:


Pete, I saw two executions when I was in-kingdom. They are held on Wednesdays, as Thursday and Friday are their Holy days, i.e., weekends. So the executions are sort of like Friday entertainment. One guy was a convicted thief, and the other guy was a rapist. The thief was beheaded at town center, but the rapist was shot at the college in Riyadh. He was going to be beheaded in town also, but the college kids wanted him killed on the campus he had comitted the crimes at, and the campus cops wanted to shoot him since attacking girls on their campus was an insult to them.

I did see the an assistant do something to the guy getting beheaded, but I couldn't tell what from where I was standing.

It was gory, but a real eye-opener none the less. There were about 300 people there to watch it, and you could tell it sent a strong message to everyone that you shouldn't break the laws. I could walk around anywhere in Riyadh, at any time of day or night, and feel safe. Not just because people were afraid of the punishment, but because there are no repeat offenders out there.

There was a girl convicted of drug running and executed while we were in Singapore, but they don't do it in public. They treat the convicted like dogs. After their conviction they get locked up on death row for two days, which allows their families to come and say goodbye. Then they get taken to the death chamber and it's lights out. Then the body is turned over to the family for disposal. This girl got caught shortly after we arrived in Singapore, and was dead before we left nine days later.
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