seven month depresion possible?


New Member
Can it last forever? Now I have lost my appetite. Anti deppresives didn't work. My stress level is high, but I keep it in check on my own. I don't even want to drink anymore, or sleep, I just keep busy. I have tried excersise, tanning, shopping, drinking, comedy, friends, motorcycle, painting, boating, swimming, cleaning, writing, nothing works. Now I am losing my appetite. All I do is drink coffee and clean. I havent told the therapist, cause it isn't as bad as it was. Now it is almost like I am used to feeling this way. Well, I guess I will try....something else.


New Member
Can it last forever? Now I have lost my appetite. Anti deppresives didn't work. My stress level is high, but I keep it in check on my own. I don't even want to drink anymore, or sleep, I just keep busy. I have tried excersise, tanning, shopping, drinking, comedy, friends, motorcycle, painting, boating, swimming, cleaning, writing, nothing works. Now I am losing my appetite. All I do is drink coffee and clean. I havent told the therapist, cause it isn't as bad as it was. Now it is almost like I am used to feeling this way. Well, I guess I will try....something else.

Bridge diving.


I heart CLeValley
Check the meds you are taking. Sometimes they cant be taken together and can have adverse reactions, such as not working. Even check to see what you are drinking to take them - sometimes Orange juice or an acidic drink weakens them. Even lying down after you take them can cause the meds not to dissolve properly and can act as if you never too any. Read the bottles and if you still are unsure call the pharmacy and ask questions.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Can it last forever? Now I have lost my appetite. Anti deppresives didn't work. My stress level is high, but I keep it in check on my own. I don't even want to drink anymore, or sleep, I just keep busy. I have tried excersise, tanning, shopping, drinking, comedy, friends, motorcycle, painting, boating, swimming, cleaning, writing, nothing works. Now I am losing my appetite. All I do is drink coffee and clean. I havent told the therapist, cause it isn't as bad as it was. Now it is almost like I am used to feeling this way. Well, I guess I will try....something else.

Maybe it's not your neighbor, it's you????? Just putting a thought out there. If you want to clean, you can come by any time. TIA.


New Member
Can it last forever? Now I have lost my appetite. Anti deppresives didn't work. My stress level is high, but I keep it in check on my own. I don't even want to drink anymore, or sleep, I just keep busy. I have tried excersise, tanning, shopping, drinking, comedy, friends, motorcycle, painting, boating, swimming, cleaning, writing, nothing works. Now I am losing my appetite. All I do is drink coffee and clean. I havent told the therapist, cause it isn't as bad as it was. Now it is almost like I am used to feeling this way. Well, I guess I will try....something else.

You need a night out on the town with the Tard Gang :yay:


Bookseller Lady
Maybe it's not your neighbor, it's you????? Just putting a thought out there. If you want to clean, you can come by any time. TIA.

Friends of mine live on the same street and one has known this un-neighborly neighbor for years. He's quite certifiable :eyebrow:....

craberta- how many meds have you tried? Sometimes one med/combo will work when other stuff has failed.


New Member
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows CE; PPC; 240x320))

I was goin to be smart and say get laid but instead have u tried primrose oil pills?


Can it last forever? Now I have lost my appetite. Anti deppresives didn't work. My stress level is high, but I keep it in check on my own. I don't even want to drink anymore, or sleep, I just keep busy. I have tried excersise, tanning, shopping, drinking, comedy, friends, motorcycle, painting, boating, swimming, cleaning, writing, nothing works. Now I am losing my appetite. All I do is drink coffee and clean. I havent told the therapist, cause it isn't as bad as it was. Now it is almost like I am used to feeling this way. Well, I guess I will try....something else.

Read the Book of James in the HB.......:huggy:

It has gotten me through a lot.....:yay:

Just a suggestion.


New Member
See a Dr.

I think you definitely should see your regular doctor. Maybe you're having some kind of vitamin deficiency (as someone mentioned earlier) or medical thing going on. Thyroid problems can do that too.

Either way, good luck! You definitely should see a doc. Maybe they need to adjust your meds or something.


New Member
Not meaning to be mean, cruel or anything but I have a question...

How often do you think about not *feeling happy*? Just curious, do you dwell on it?

I would say alot of people are down but the more you dwell on it the worse it will become...........

Have you thought about what is good in life?, kids, animals, food....

Happiness doesn't always come in huge's the little everyday things that can make you smile...... And everyday routine life actually can be boring at times for everyone. And if its the past bothering you well it's gone and it can't be changed and it can't hurt you again and you made it though and it's over.....bury it and move on.......


try having some SEX and

smoke a JOINT... <-- better than any narcotic that the doctors have been prescribing



try having some SEX and

smoke a JOINT... <-- better than any narcotic that the doctors have been prescribing


Well, gotta agree with that....try it and let us know how it works out...


New Member
try having some SEX and

smoke a JOINT... <-- better than any narcotic that the doctors have been prescribing

And just what do you think a joint is besides being illegal and a narcotic? Remind me never to come to you people for advice.


And just what do you think a joint is besides being illegal and a narcotic? Remind me never to come to you people for advice.

before you start flaming me. do some research, and come back
after you educate yourself.

first of all Marijuana isn't a narcotic.
Its 100% natural, that is a natural remedy for many
many sickness's and pain from terminally ill cancerm depression,
anxieties to glocoma.

if you rather use man made chemicals to fix something and isn't working.
why not try Gods medicine??

fyi: did you know back in the 1800 it was ILLEGAL NOT TO GROW MJ.
as it was a staple to the economy and fiber used to make paper to cloths.


New Member
Can it last forever? Now I have lost my appetite. Anti deppresives didn't work. My stress level is high, but I keep it in check on my own. I don't even want to drink anymore, or sleep, I just keep busy. I have tried excersise, tanning, shopping, drinking, comedy, friends, motorcycle, painting, boating, swimming, cleaning, writing, nothing works. Now I am losing my appetite. All I do is drink coffee and clean. I havent told the therapist, cause it isn't as bad as it was. Now it is almost like I am used to feeling this way. Well, I guess I will try....something else.

Many people dismiss the signs of "extreme" depression for years...thinking they can "snap out of it" on their own.

Many people think "This is what everyone I shouldn't seek help."

Many people think "Well, I'm already on I shouldn't bring it up, again."

Many people are wrong.

If you're already seeing a therapist, it is counterproductive to hold any feelings or thoughts back. That's the same as going to a hospital and not telling the doctors what hurts. Let them do their job...tell them what's wrong.

If you're not seeing anyone...please do. And be open and honest with them.

Good luck! :yay: