'Sex and the City' star Cynthia Nixon


Well-Known Member
When you're GHANDI - and you are adored, even REVERED by hundreds of millions - a hunger strike has value. No matter how much you hate the Hindus or Muslims, you'd do just about anything, hold back any anger or desire for revenge - to prevent tragedy to a great man loved by his nation.

When you're some Hollywood actress most people have long forgotten, a hunger strike serves only two purposes - to draw attention from OTHER Hollywood types and possibly lose a little extra poundage.

Sometimes I do wonder if these Hollywood types actually think they have the adulation Ghandi had.


Never heard of her >meh<
She plays Miranda in Sex in the City which was somewhat good/entertaining prior to the reboot but now, since they 'rebooted' it, it is all woke stuff.

Truthfully, it is a chic show that attracted many gay men prior to the reboot and after. The only 'straight men' watching it are frankly doing so to get into the good graces of their partner and/or wife. (aka/for sex) :lol:


Well-Known Member
Whoopi should go on a hunger strike, she is like a bear , she could go all winter off the fat she has stored up.


Well-Known Member
I'm not one to fat shame anyone but she is over the top and looks like Jabba the Hutt. :ohwell:
Oh! I wasn't fat shaming her I was concerned about her health, We wouldn't want her having blood pressure or heart problems, she is so vital to that wonderful TV show . She and Joy are a real joy to listen to, they are both so intelligent and make such wonderful statement, and they do so love our demented President. I certainly appreciate their wisdom in this countries affairs.


Well-Known Member
She plays Miranda in Sex in the City which was somewhat good/entertaining prior to the reboot but now, since they 'rebooted' it, it is all woke stuff.

Truthfully, it is a chic show that attracted many gay men prior to the reboot and after. The only 'straight men' watching it are frankly doing so to get into the good graces of their partner and/or wife. (aka/for sex) :lol:
With movie channels and cable I have ZERO need for network with exception to some sporting events.
Tomorrow night, Desantis Vs Newsome, should be entertaining. :)