Sex Offenders


New Member
I am not defending all sex offenders, but there are some who are wrongly accused. I say this because I know of a guy who met a girl in a bar, they had sex and the girl ended up only being 16, you were supposed to be 18 to get into a club, he guy was 20. The parents found out and had him arrested. Cases like this they should not be charged, the girl was at fault for lying.
Now for the man who goes out and molest a child or someone who rapes a person they need to die a slow and painful death.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about it. People can get on a sex offender list for all sorts of things that don't pose a threat to anyone. Peeing in the woods is technically indecent exposure.

While I agree with your thought process, peeing in the woods doesn't put you on Maryland's sex offender registry. I don't know of any crime a person gets on the registry for which doesn't pose a threat to someone else.


Well-Known Member
I am not defending all sex offenders, but there are some who are wrongly accused. I say this because I know of a guy who met a girl in a bar, they had sex and the girl ended up only being 16, you were supposed to be 18 to get into a club, he guy was 20. The parents found out and had him arrested. Cases like this they should not be charged, the girl was at fault for lying.
Now for the man who goes out and molest a child or someone who rapes a person they need to die a slow and painful death.

Where did this happen?


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
While I agree with your thought process, peeing in the woods doesn't put you on Maryland's sex offender registry. I don't know of any crime a person gets on the registry for which doesn't pose a threat to someone else.
As already mentioned, statutory rape gets you on the list, even in the case of the 20 yr old who hooks up with a 16 yo, that he had reason to believe was 18.


Well-Known Member
As already mentioned, statutory rape gets you on the list, even in the case of the 20 yr old who hooks up with a 16 yo, that he had reason to believe was 18.

That is not true in the state where this forum is located.


New Member
That is not true in the state where this forum is located.

Yes you are correct!


§ 3-306
Second-degree sexual offense to engage in a sexual act with a person under age 14 and the actor is at least four years older

Up to 20 years in prison

§ 3-307
Third-degree sexual offense for someone at least age 21 to engage in a sexual act, including vaginal intercourse, with someone age 14 or 15

Up to 10 years in prison

§ 3-304
Second-degree rape to have vaginal intercourse with a person under age 14 if the actor is at least four years older

Up to 20 years in prison

Statutory Rape Laws by State


Lem Putt
We don't know that that is the case. I would hesitate to sling that sort of accusation without any kind of evidence.

And DID YOU KNOW that if you are a 21 year old guy, you go to a party and hook up with some girl, only to find out later that she was only 16, you are now legally a pedophile in some states?

Nancy Grace was just raving about some horrifying pedophile and how he should be strung up. The *rest* of the story is that the guy was in his early 20s and his "victim" was a 16 year old girl who actually initiated the sex.
If you notice, I was replying to a post that said "mind your own business." It did not say "find out the truth, then mind your own business if appropriate."

And since we are talking about Maryland, why would we discuss some other states? BFD, and totally irrelevant to this conversation.

You watching Nancy Grace, railing on her for being sensationalist about the Anthony case, then citing her as if she is some sort of reputable source is disingenuous. It's not different than Andy whining about MSNBC, yet only going there for his news.
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Lem Putt
Sounds like it could be the same teacher and the rumor is following her.

I am 99.9% sure I know who the teacher in question is. If I am right, the husband is a registered sex offender who deserves to be on the list. He actually deserves to be in prison, but the GOB system is still strong around here. He plead guilty, so there's no reason to think that he did not do it.

I really do feel sorry for his wife in some ways, but since she did not kick his molester azz out she almost deserves the scrutiny.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You watching Nancy Grace, railing on her for being sensationalist about the Anthony case, then citing her as if she is some sort of reputable source is disingenuous.

This is the sound of my post rushing over your head:


Nowhere did I cite Nancy Grace as a reputable source. What I *did* say, since you apparently can't read, is that she tried to sensationalize this guy as a horrible pedophile, then slid it in the real facts of the case after she got her audience all worked up over a "child" molester.

Since this is all rumor from some person's first post on this forum, I'm not willing to try and convict this teacher. If you're that desperate for drama, knock yourself out. I think OP should tell his parents and let them handle it, not get the rabble roused.


New Member
I am 99.9% sure I know who the teacher in question is. If I am right, the husband is a registered sex offender who deserves to be on the list. He actually deserves to be in prison, but the GOB system is still strong around here. He plead guilty, so there's no reason to think that he did not do it.

I really do feel sorry for his wife in some ways, but since she did not kick his molester azz out she almost deserves the scrutiny.

If you knew who the teacher was then you would know that it is not true. I am a close family friend as well as a fellow teacher. This is exactly how rumors get started and lives get hurt. I bet your reliable resource is some 17 year old who has nothing better to do then torment people he does not think are as good as he is. Sad, what this world is coming to.


Lem Putt
If you knew who the teacher was then you would know that it is not true. I am a close family friend as well as a fellow teacher. This is exactly how rumors get started and lives get hurt. I bet your reliable resource is some 17 year old who has nothing better to do then torment people he does not think are as good as he is. Sad, what this world is coming to.

English teacher?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If you must watch that drivel, don't admit it in public unless you want to be lumped in with the rest of the vapid mouth breathing bon-bon eaters.
Actually, I caught part of her radio show when I was driving somewhere. I keep it tuned to the talk station, which is how I end up listening to that sow and sometimes the Leftist Moron shows. I do not seek her out, believe me.


Luvin Life !!!
If you knew who the teacher was then you would know that it is not true. I am a close family friend as well as a fellow teacher. This is exactly how rumors get started and lives get hurt. I bet your reliable resource is some 17 year old who has nothing better to do then torment people he does not think are as good as he is. Sad, what this world is coming to.

The only type of offense that I would be willing to overlook would involve a young man or woman let's say 23 and under, who may or may not have known he or she was engaging in behavior with someone whom they believed at the time was of age and later on found out was not.

Teacher's are supposed to me role models. They should live and present morals and values that may even exceed my own. This is the profession they chose, to guide and mold the minds of children. After all they spend more awake time each day with our kids than we do when school is in. So as a mother I should expect that my child's teacher is not a registered sex offender and I also expect them not to be married to one either.