Sex Pistol Johnny Rotten attacks...


R.I.P. My Brother Rick
Hank, why do people call you a dwarf/midget all the time?

I've seen it in several threads now.

His avatar is a now deceased alcoholic dwarf named Hank who was exploited by Howard Stern on his radio show. His disposition was always sour so Howard nick named him "Hank the angry drunken dwarf". The bunny suit is a costume Howard requested he wear one year at Easter.

Right Black Francis?


my war
His avatar is a now deceased alcoholic dwarf named Hank who was exploited by Howard Stern on his radio show. His disposition was always sour so Howard nick named him "Hank the angry drunken dwarf". The bunny suit is a costume Howard requested he wear one year at Easter.

Right Black Francis?

And the big deal is?