Sex Spray


Asperger's Poster Child
Larry Gude said:
Where did I or anyone suggest that women who have desire and experience pleasure are acting like men????????????????????????????????

That's the way I interpreted your comment that "Just think how great society will be if everyone acts like males all the time!"

Larry Gude said:
Other times, they are rational human beings that hold the whole damn planet together while men are trying to get more sex.

I don't like that idea because it implies that we men aren't capable of being responsible adults, that a person has to have ovaries to have any intelligence. In fact, I can see women using your idea to justify an anti-male version of Jim Crow, payback from the days when women had fewer legal rights than men.


New Member
Pandora said:
:lol: But Larry, there are men that are more like women in the "sex" department and women who are more like men.

Aren't these "gender benders" or hermaphrodites ? I don't think they have developed a spray for them yet.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
What's next? A spray to make men slow down, think before they act and be concerned with other people?
That might be worth having.

Didn't they try this once with "salt peter" ? :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I can't help you with...

Tonio said:
That's the way I interpreted your comment that "Just think how great society will be if everyone acts like males all the time!"

I don't like that idea because it implies that we men aren't capable of being responsible adults, that a person has to have ovaries to have any intelligence. In fact, I can see women using your idea to justify an anti-male version of Jim Crow, payback from the days when women had fewer legal rights than men.

...the interpretation thing. Maybe they make a spray for that?

As far as what you feel is 'implied' about males, you're gonna have to get a spray for that too because, and this is not subject to interpretation, men think about and want sex more, far more, than women. It is also darker at night than during the day.

If you get some spray on them women, they'd quit thinking about how to get even with you and start bang bang bang.


It's not that serious
From a female point of view, I think this has some positives.

There are times when women WANT to be in the mood but just can't force it... it would be nice to have a little 'help'... Like after I had my son... I know it was purely psychological and it made me feel bad that I couldn't get things rolling, my poor husband.

Just my 2 cents. I see it behing grossly misused, though...


Asperger's Poster Child
Larry Gude said:
this is not subject to interpretation, men think about and want sex more, far more, than women.

You're right about that. It bothers me that many (not all) women mock us because of that, like we can't prove to them that we have any intelligence or civilized thoughts. It's almost like having a relative who is a convicted criminal and everyone knows it.


Larry Gude said:
...because that's what the thread is about.

Where did I or anyone suggest that women who have desire and experience pleasure are acting like men????????????????????????????????

Women LOVE sex when they want sex. Sometimes, they're perfect little sluts. Other times, they are rational human beings that hold the whole damn planet together while men are trying to get more sex.


Well-Known Member
Tonio said:
You're right about that. It bothers me that many (not all) women mock us because of that, like we can't prove to them that we have any intelligence or civilized thoughts. It's almost like having a relative who is a convicted criminal and everyone knows it.

Kinda makes you wonder how man made it to the moon, split the atom, wrote symphonies, great plays and sonnets, painted the Sistine Chapel, carved Mount Rushmore and built the Great Wall and the Pyramids - and all the while unable to think about anything but sex. I honestly have no clue how *I've* accomplished anything in life with such a handicap!

It's that TAG body spray thing, again...


Asperger's Poster Child
SamSpade said:
Kinda makes you wonder how man made it to the moon... and all the while unable to think about anything but sex.

Jerry Seinfeld: "We even went to the moon just to see if there are any women there. That's why we brought that little car. Why would you bring a car unless there was some chance of a date?"


New Member
Tonio said:
You're right about that. It bothers me that many (not all) women mock us because of that, like we can't prove to them that we have any intelligence or civilized thoughts. It's almost like having a relative who is a convicted criminal and everyone knows it.

Maybe you and I have run across very different types of women - I do not see them mocking men because they desire more sex. On the contrary - I've been told by both my wife and several other ladies I know that a woman's mind can be, and is at time, just as sexually oriented as men's. From what I understand some can put a seasoned sailor to shame.

Fact is that I do desire sex more then my wife - I think about it constantly - she, only occasionally. I do not demand sex - when I feel in the mood - I wait until she is in the mood also. Sure it can be frustrating, but I can honestly say that in the 20 years I've been with my wife I have never, ever cheated on her. I may complain about what I consider a lack of our lovemaking - but when it does happens - it is great. I do not think my wife feels that I'm not intelligent or that I do not have civilized thoughts. I think that she accepts me as I am - a 45 YO with an overactive sex drive (who does not spell worth a crap).

Now as far as the product goes. Yes - I can see it being abused, I'd hope it would be regulated somehow, but at the same time I can see where it could have some medical practicallity too.

Is it a product that this country or world is in great demand of ? I don't think so. But then again why was Viagra invented ? Same basic principal - wouldn't the invention of PT-141 just be equal rights for woman since Viagra users are predominately men ?

I think the money would have been better spent working on a cure - say for breast cancer. I love breasts.

Like another posted said - just my 2 cents.


New Member
SamSpade said:
Kinda makes you wonder how man made it to the moon, split the atom, wrote symphonies, great plays and sonnets, painted the Sistine Chapel, carved Mount Rushmore and built the Great Wall and the Pyramids - and all the while unable to think about anything but sex. I honestly have no clue how *I've* accomplished anything in life with such a handicap!

It's that TAG body spray thing, again...

All of these great things were done by men - true - but they only did it cause their wives promised them sex if they did it. :lmao:


SamSpade said:
Kinda makes you wonder how man made it to the moon, split the atom, wrote symphonies, great plays and sonnets, painted the Sistine Chapel, carved Mount Rushmore and built the Great Wall and the Pyramids - and all the while unable to think about anything but sex. I honestly have no clue how *I've* accomplished anything in life with such a handicap!

It's that TAG body spray thing, again...

Women didn't have the power to say no in the past. You said no to someone of great power, you would be :dead:


Asperger's Poster Child
slik said:
Maybe you and I have run across very different types of women - I do not see them mocking men because they desire more sex. On the contrary - I've been told by both my wife and several other ladies I know that a woman's mind can be, and is at time, just as sexually oriented as men's.

I agree with you. My point was that many women look down on men in general, and our obsession with sex is a big reason but not the only one.

I speak not necessarily from personal experience but mostly from the impression I get from the media. The theme from women in the media seems to be, women like us sexually but not mentally or emotionally. Like they would respect us more if we weren't so obsessed with not just sex, but also with cars and trucks and plasma TVs and computers, which they regard as just grown-up toys. Like if we satisfy them in bed, they'll pat our heads and say, "Good boy." Obviously, a lot of this is media exaggeration, but it does seem like there's a kernel of truth to it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Not at all...

SamSpade said:
Kinda makes you wonder how man made it to the moon, split the atom, wrote symphonies, great plays and sonnets, painted the Sistine Chapel, carved Mount Rushmore and built the Great Wall and the Pyramids - and all the while unable to think about anything but sex. I honestly have no clue how *I've* accomplished anything in life with such a handicap!

It's that TAG body spray thing, again...

We went to the moon looking for Martian poontang. No poon. But we did get an orange flavored drink.

We split the atom because it looked so damn hot. We write plays and get guitars to lure women. The Sistine Chapel was painted...while on his back. Getting a hummer. Mount Rush More. Need I say more? The Great Wall was to keep the hoards away from the women. And the Pyramids...well. Giant nipples.

Yes, men are people too. Yes, men do things to amuse themselves, challenge the intellect and otherwise ooucpy the time in between.

But we are talking about the general, not the exception.