Shady Grove Fertility Center


no longer CalvertNewbie
I'm actually looking forward to when he can go on walks with us and actually do the walking. He's already mobile enough now with his 'scrawling' and standing that by the time he is walking he will have already gotten into all the trouble he could possibly get into by being mobile. What worries me is when he learns to operate door knobs.

We have double locks on all our doors because it takes a second for a child to "escape". Give yourself peace of mind and do the same. The locks we installed about a year ago are at the top of the doors, out of our son's reach. Let me share a little story.

We spent this past Thanksgiving at an un-childproofed house. Hubby, our nephew (16yrs old) and I were chatting while my son played. Everyone else was still in the dining room, out of view. I told them I was going to the bathroom and to watch our son. I was in there 2 minutes. I came out and asked where he was. They thought he went into the dining room. I quickly looked and he wasn't there. We looked outside and there he was. Thank God they have a huge yard and he was nowhere near the street. But the point is.......a million things could've happened. I was pissed at my hubby but moreso just so thankful my son was unharmed (luckily). I know there is no substitute for supervision but these double locks give me peace of mind for many reasons.


no longer CalvertNewbie
We are actually going to be starting the process of everything in December. So that we have 2012 to work on everything.

Not sure where you live, or if this helps, but I got an email from SGF a few weeks ago that they now have a full service location somewhere in Waldorf. If you're in Charles or SMC, it would be more convenient than making the drive up to Annapolis a million times.


New Member
Have you went for your cousultation yet? We just went last week and will have to do a couple of months of testing and will then start treatment hopefully in July. They were very nice and we are seeing Dr Mottla. Hopefully everything will go well. Good luck to you!

We are actually going to be starting the process of everything in December. So that we have 2012 to work on everything.


Have you went for your cousultation yet? We just went last week and will have to do a couple of months of testing and will then start treatment hopefully in July. They were very nice and we are seeing Dr Mottla. Hopefully everything will go well. Good luck to you!

Mottla is awesome. Our daughter is through SGFC (and a blessing from above...) Feel free to PM me if you have any questions; the process can be a bit overwhelming but the end result is so worth it!


New Member
Mottla is awesome. Our daughter is through SGFC (and a blessing from above...) Feel free to PM me if you have any questions; the process can be a bit overwhelming but the end result is so worth it!

Thanks! Dr Mottla said he was very optimistic for us and wants us to do the IUI so hopefully it will go well.