Shamrock Fest 09


New Member


Well-Known Member
The year before last rocked...:dye:

Was there for that one too! Cant believe I didnt see you :bawl:

then the rosely beads
count to 1 2 3
fell apart as they hit the floor
in a garb of black
we must pay respect
to the color we were born to mourn
walk away me boys
walk away me boys
and my morning we'll be free
wipe that golden tear
from your mother dear
and raise what's left
of the flag for me
:larry: :getdown:


The only band I've ever heard of is Flogging Molly, and that was only on a fluke this past summer when I was in Minnesota cuz of the friend of a friend.

I'm waiting for VirginFest to not have sucky bands again...


Well-Known Member
mah, I love me some Flogging Molly.

I wonder if Kelly Bell Band will be there again.

They are updating w/ new artist every week. They still havent said if Carbon Leaf is going to be there (but they have been the past 2 years) They are my favorites and will be very diasapointed if they arent there :frown:


Well-Known Member
I went last year and thought it sucked. I'm too cheap to pay $5 for a cup of beer. :rolleyes: And standing around on a blacktop is boring unless you're drunk.


Well-Known Member
I went specifically to catch the Kelly Bell Band and Flogging Molly and ended up falling in love with Scythian and the Pub Crawlers too! It was a awesome day/night!
I was surprised how well both those bands play!
I went last year and thought it sucked. I'm too cheap to pay $5 for a cup of beer. :rolleyes: And standing around on a blacktop is boring unless you're drunk.
It's not boring when you are listening to great bands play!! & that is the same price you would pay for beer at any concert or ball game :shrug:

Last year I took the kids so I just purchased the general admission tickets but the year before that I got the VIP tickets (all you can drink) that is the better deal :otter:


All Up In Your Grill
I'm jonesin to get my hands on some Elliot in the Morning Big Ass Football Bash tix. :drool:

Saliva's playing this year. :dude:


All Up In Your Grill
Carbon Leaf will be there. I remember Kwillia going on and on about Scythian. She thought they were awesome!


Well-Known Member

So excited only a few days to go :yahoo:

I am however a little miffed that all the commercials they are playing on the radio have Drop Kick Murphy's playing in the background... and they are not even going to be there :cds: