Sharing some pics of my fish!


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by cattitude

change into what??? What are you in Richmond?:biggrin:

You wait till Saturday...

Maybe I'LL adopt that German Shephard!

I just saw the movie "War of the Roses" this week.

"Hey! Would y'all like some pate'????"



Sorry sea that was a stupid question, you did put that under your picture.


Vermicious Knid
Originally posted by pixiegirl

I might take you up on that offer. Want to wait till my little one gets a tad bit older though. His sitter has an aquarium and he loves to stare at it.

Hey Pixie, how old is your son? I got my first fish tank when I was THREE - yeah, Dad did most of the work when I was that young, but I was fully capable of tank maintenance when I was six. In the meantime, I was "Daddy's little helper". If you want to start out with freshwater (which is a good idea if you haven't had much aquarium experience), and you want something easy, a ten-gallon tank with a betta and a few corydora catfish is a great little combination!


How long.. ?


I love those colorful fishes esp. those in saltwater aquarium. I would like to ask you about me being on vacation away from home. I tend to travel alot on weekends and sometimes take a week vacation somewhere. Is it a bad idea for me to try it? I mean I have no idea how long the fish can go without a human being feeding them. I have heard of something that you put in the aquarium to feed the fishes while on vacation but not sure if it's for freshwater only. Not sure if there is some kind of feeder set on timer to feed the fish , etc.

Any suggestions are more than welcome.

Thanks. - Sea


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Nice tanks. I had a 125 for a few years until I had to move. Had an Emperor Angel, too. Got it as a juvenile, looked like a Koran Angel, until it matured and it's stripes changed from concentric circles to the longitudinal ones. The transformation was interesting to watch; took about 6 months.

I'd like to set up another salt tank, but Sharon already has too much to do. :biggrin: Just kidding dear. I wouldn't do that to you.:rolleyes:


Vermicious Knid
SeaRide - You can go away for a weekend without feeding your fish. However, if you have anything that requires lights (like corals or macroalgae), you'll need a timer to turn the lights on and off in your absence. For longer vacations, you can use an automatic feeder - the major pet supply catalogs have them. Try or - I'm pretty sure both places carry them. Do NOT get those white blocks that claim to be time-released weekend feeders, they're mostly plaster of Paris and just pollute the tank. But just FYI - when I go on vacation, my neighbor looks in on my tanks to make sure nothing is going awry. It was a lifesaver when my lights over my reeftank died, because she was able to find other lights to put over the tank until I got back!

2ndAmmendment - set up another tank! Set up another tank! I need a shopping buddy for those long hauls to Rockville! (That's where I buy most of my saltwater critters.) What else did you have in your 125?