Shocking Upset: Rousey KO'd


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you and yours, or both, are so hot!

If this is your dream girl, then the bar is pretty low.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Does anyone remember the beginning years of popular MMA? Back when UFC didn't have weight classes and matched different styles? You would have wrestlers fighting boxers fighting Karate experts.

In the end they found Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and wrestling came out on top the most, with the random win to a good stand-up knockout. So now we get fighters with a mix of those three. Too much stand-up (boxing) and you get submitted, too much BJJ/wrestling and you may get knocked out before you take it to the ground.

Thank you. That is exactly what this is; a one dimensional fighter, super dominant in that one dimension, getting beat, soundly, by a well rounded MIXED MARTIAL ARTS fighter.

It is testament to the sad state of boxing that so many are leaping on this as a BOXER prevailing and that simply could not be further from the truth. a better MIXED MARTIAL ARTIST beat an inferior mixed martial artists.

Rousey has been physically dominant and able to overwhelm her opponents and that is all well and good. However, not one MMA fan has missed the obvious weakness of RR; she is totally untested in the deep water of going even ONE round let alone several. How would she do if she had to go a round or more? She has also been virtually one dimensional; submission. How would she do against someone who could defend submissions? How would she do against someone who could defend take downs? How would she do against someone who could kick and keep it up, the withering, brutal path of many a fighter to victory in MMA? And, how would she do against someone who was, finally, her physical equal?

Holly Holmes won because, yes, she can strike, box, very well, she can DEFEND take downs, she can defend submissions. Hell, she even took RR down and, on top of it all, she can kick.

She punched RR, she hit her with an elbow, she defended, she took her down, her inside kick was nasty.

She won an MMA bout because she was the better MMA fighter in a proper size and weight match up. She beat an 'unbeatable' champ who had been whipping ass, one dimensional, and HAD NOT BEEN tested. Not because she is a great boxer.

The rematch will be a whole other ball game because RR does have the basic skills. She's just never been tested. She got frustrated, she got tired, she absolutely got punched but just as importantly, kicked and a nasty elbow in the first. And she got desperate and she got her ass kicked.



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Ah, so, your a Cosmo guy, Olive Oyl with extra make up? Bony babes with no curves, doll girls? :lol: RR is a babe as far as I am concerned.

I wouldn't like that look coming at me if I came home late with no excuse, but other than that, she is a nice looking young woman that could probably get me out of bad situations that I caused.......:yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I wouldn't like that look coming at me if I came home late with no excuse, but other than that, she is a nice looking young woman that could probably get me out of bad situations that I caused.......:yay:

She's 5' 7", 135. Out of training she'd be, what, 160 ish? Not very physically imposing. She's not going to be pulling you out of bar fights and we'll never see an MMA fight between any woman fighter her and even a low ranks MMA male. :shrug: That's not to say I want her punching me or kicking me. :lol:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
She's 5' 7", 135. Out of training she'd be, what, 160 ish? Not very physically imposing. She's not going to be pulling you out of bar fights and we'll never see an MMA fight between any woman fighter her and even a low ranks MMA male. :shrug: That's not to say I want her punching me or kicking me. :lol:

I've seen much smaller girls take out big, nasty looking drunks before they knew what had hit them, and deservedly so. Most people that aren't drunk really don't want to fight, anyway. Dudes could do far worse than to have her on their arm. I look forward to the rematch, which I'll watch.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Why is it that we always seem to end up judging female athletes by how the look?

Let's judge them by their talent in their given sport. If they happen to be attractive to you then that's a bonus.


Why is it that we always seem to end up judging female athletes by how the look?

Let's judge them by their talent in their given sport. If they happen to be attractive to you then that's a bonus.

I see where you're coming from, but I think maybe you have the wrong idea. You watch a lot of sports and you see mostly male commentators who either are not interested in other men or don't want to sound like it, so they don't often talk about the attractiveness of male athletes.

But if you ever listen to a group of women talk about male athletes or sports you will hear every bit as much talk about how attractive they are.

But you go ahead and be the cultured high minded one that has overcome all biological urges and judges people solely by their objective measurements, how fast they can run or how high they can jump or how smart they are.

I bet you don't see color either, right?


Well-Known Member
Why is it that we always seem to end up judging female athletes by how the look?

Let's judge them by their talent in their given sport.

When I see Rhonda Rousey, I think this. Can't help it.



Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I bet you don't see color either, right?

I see color, but the character shines a lot brighter.

But getting back to the fight. Looks have nothing to do with talent. On fight night the more talented fighter beat up on the less talented fighter. Some people find RR attractive, others don't. That doesn't make either group right or wrong. Neither fighter was up there trying to win a beauty contest.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Why is it that we always seem to end up judging female athletes by how the look?

Let's judge them by their talent in their given sport. If they happen to be attractive to you then that's a bonus.

Then watch the LPGA.What a bonus that is. Besides their incredible golfing talent, for the most part it is a beauty pageant of hotties out there in their shorts and generally tight golfing attire.