Shoo, Fly! Catnip Oil Repels Bloodsucking Flies


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ScienceDaily (Dec. 8, 2010) — Catnip, the plant that attracts domestic cats like an irresistible force, has proven 99 percent effective in repelling the blood-sucking flies that attack horses and cows, causing $2 billion in annual loses to the cattle industry. That's the word from a report published in ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Shoo, fly! Catnip oil repels bloodsucking flies


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I knew this years ago from reading research done on biting flies. The problem was then, and still is now, that catnip oil is very expensive.
Wild catnip is cheap ( I've got tons of it growing wild by the shed). Could the plant maybe be ground and emulsified with some low cost transport and sprayed on?


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If someone can figure out a way to make it affordable to use, that would be awesome.

Wild catnip is cheap ( I've got tons of it growing wild by the shed). Could the plant maybe be ground and emulsified with some low cost transport and sprayed on?


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When I used the catnip oil, I would put it on a damp sponge and used it to wipe their legs down. I used the typical fly sprays on the rest of their body, or my own homemade concoctions, which also included catnip oil.

Mineral oil


New Member
We do ok with the stable flies. I want it to work on the REAL bloodsuckers- those darn horse/deer flies large enough to carry away small children!


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I do believe it does deter those too ...... just I was never able to make a spray with enough catnip oil in it to be strong enough without having a bottle cost me $60 to make.

Catnip oil tends to run about $20 to $30 an ounce last time I checked.

We do ok with the stable flies. I want it to work on the REAL bloodsuckers- those darn horse/deer flies large enough to carry away small children!


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I ran across this about how to make catnip oil:

How to Make Catnip Essential Oil |

Since fly season will be upon us soon, I am going to try to get my hands on some catnip oil for my fly spray concoctions. Doesn't look too hard to make? Somehow that seems TOO SIMPLE considering that catnip essential oil tends to sell for about $25 a ounce. Hmmm.

Wild catnip is cheap ( I've got tons of it growing wild by the shed). Could the plant maybe be ground and emulsified with some low cost transport and sprayed on?