Should hunters be allowed to hunt with silencers?

Should hunters be allowed to hunt with silencers?

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In My Opinion
Although I put yes because I dont think that restrictions on firearms are good, the use of silencers comes with additional safety issues and the hunters have to be aware of and take into account for those issues.

Novus Collectus

New Member
Although I put yes because I dont think that restrictions on firearms are good, the use of silencers comes with additional safety issues and the hunters have to be aware of and take into account for those issues.

Like hearing protection?

Patch Tuesday

George Bush and McCain are for pro illegal immigration isn't he?....I mean "undocumented workers" as they put it.

Yep, that's why I would never vote for McCain, despite my upmost respect for his military service and sacrifice in Vietnam. If term limits didn't exist, Bush would no way in hell see a third term with his record...

That comment was just a joke btw. I don't advocate shooting politicians, except with potato guns...

Nor, and this ones gonna upset you, do I advocate silencers in anyway, shape, or form outside of military use.

If you want quiet, shoot it with a crossbow...


Novus Collectus

New Member
Yep, that's why I would never vote for McCain, despite my upmost respect for his military service and sacrifice in Vietnam. If term limits didn't exist, Bush would no way in hell see a third term with his record...

That comment was just a joke btw. I don't advocate shooting politicians, except with potato guns...

Nor, and this ones gonna upset you, do I advocate silencers in anyway, shape, or form outside of military use.

If you want quiet, shoot it with a crossbow...

WHy can't hunters use silencers to protect their hearing? Even in the hoplophobic UK they commonly hunt and target shoot with silencers.
Silencers reduce noise pollution, save hearing, and help some varmint hunters get more game.

Patch Tuesday

WHy can't hunters use silencers to protect their hearing? Even in the hoplophobic UK they commonly hunt and target shoot with silencers.
Silencers reduce noise pollution, save hearing, and help some varmint hunters get more game.

I have to give you credit on that one. I didn't know the UK allowed that. Interesting...


Novus Collectus

New Member
I have to give you credit on that one. I didn't know the UK allowed that. Interesting...


Anyone with a basic gun certificate can buy a silencer. If they own a shotgun or rifle, then they can buy a silencer for it. It is easier to buy silencers in the UK than it is to buy them here.
In places like Finland it is easier and in Norway easier still where they sell them over the counter.


In My Opinion
Like hearing protection?
That would be the hunters problem, not mine.
however, during the hunting season around here, the sound of the shot does let me know not to wander to close to the property line on certain days.

unless Im checking my loudspeaker system that I like to play from time to time. like, when the hunters end up on my property instead of theirs. and, I dont understand that since they have 110 acres, and I only have 5. seems like they should rather be on theirs than mine.

Novus Collectus

New Member
That would be the hunters problem, not mine.
however, during the hunting season around here, the sound of the shot does let me know not to wander to close to the property line on certain days.

unless Im checking my loudspeaker system that I like to play from time to time. like, when the hunters end up on my property instead of theirs. and, I dont understand that since they have 110 acres, and I only have 5. seems like they should rather be on theirs than mine.

But if they already fired the shot, then they are most likely already done hunting for the day. Remember the old saying, the one that gets you is the one you don't hear.


But if they already fired the shot, then they are most likely already done hunting for the day. Remember the old saying, the one that gets you is the one you don't hear.
Wrong. I hunt and wouldn't want silencers. 1) If you can hear someone shoot, you know from which direction the deer may be coming from if he/she missed or there are more than one deer. 2) When I hunt with a group, we know where each other is and from the sound of the shot we know who shot, and therefore would go to help drag the deer. 3) If there are idiots hunting in the same area, and a shot comes from an unexpected direction, at least you can yell at the ####### to let them know you are in the area and they are shooting at you. As hard as it is to believe, there are some stupids out there that hunt and don't respect others property. 4) Hearing the shots and direction are very important to a hunter. And believe it or not, unless you are close you can get off more than one shot at a deer before it moves. They don't know where it's coming from or what it is. Blackpowder is a little harder to get two shots. Been hunting deer since the age of 14 and I am now a little older and still alive to hunt.
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In My Opinion
But if they already fired the shot, then they are most likely already done hunting for the day. Remember the old saying, the one that gets you is the one you don't hear.
not a one shot game with these guys.
and, if Im on my back porch and hear the shot, there is no way they could get a shot to me, however, if I happen to walk the dog down one of my trails, I could end up where it would not be safe due to their ignorance in hunting skills.


not a one shot game with these guys.
and, if Im on my back porch and hear the shot, there is no way they could get a shot to me, however, if I happen to walk the dog down one of my trails, I could end up where it would not be safe due to their ignorance in hunting skills.
The reason I don't hunt in Md anymore. Too many morons out there.


In My Opinion
The reason I don't hunt in Md anymore. Too many morons out there.
I know some very responsible hunters, however the problem is that in order to err on the side of safety, one must always assume that any hunter is an idiot when they enter the woods.


Lobster Land
Having been a hunter I agree with Vince. We have never hunted with a silencer in all our years of being the U.S.. It would just be another thing to degrade the way things used to be and we know how that works out. And when I shot I NEVER heard a thing because I was so concentrated on if I hit the target or not. JMO


Happy Camper
Wrong. I hunt and wouldn't want silencers. 1) If you can hear someone shoot, you know from which direction the deer may be coming from if he/she missed or there are more than one deer. 2) When I hunt with a group, we know where each other is and from the sound of the shot we know who shot, and therefore would go to help drag the deer. 3) If there are idiots hunting in the same area, and a shot comes from an unexpected direction, at least you can yell at the ####### to let them know you are in the area and they are shooting at you. As hard as it is to believe, there are some stupids out there that hunt and don't respect others property. 4) Hearing the shots and direction are very important to a hunter. And believe it or not, unless you are close you can get off more than one shot at a deer before it moves. They don't know where it's coming from or what it is. Blackpowder is a little harder to get two shots. Been hunting deer since the age of 14 and I am now a little older and still alive to hunt.

I agree with you on this. Also, if you're a good shot and have your prey (be it deer, turkey, etc.) in range, why would you need more than one shot? If you're shooting 5 or 10 times at the same prey, you're obviously not a good hunter and you deserve to lose your hearing!! :lmao:

river rat

Should hunters be allowed to hunt with silencers?

No, I would perfer to hear it, if I'm in the woods, I want to know if my hunting buddys weapon has been fired or I want them to know if mine has been fired.
That is just a ridiculous question.
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Novus Collectus

New Member
I agree with you on this. Also, if you're a good shot and have your prey (be it deer, turkey, etc.) in range, why would you need more than one shot? If you're shooting 5 or 10 times at the same prey, you're obviously not a good hunter and you deserve to lose your hearing!! :lmao:

Ever hunt varmint? I have never hunted varmint myself, but varmint hunters have said it is valuable to not have the rest be scared by the first shot so that more pests can be killed with follow up shots.
I am not just talking about deer hunting here, but I can certainly understand the need to not lose one's partial hearing from a really loud bang when deer hunting too though.

Novus Collectus

New Member
No, I would perfer to hear it, if I'm in the woods, I want to know if my hunting buddys weapon has been fired or I want them to know if mine has been fired.
That is just a ridiculous question.

And....what if you are hunting by yourself?
.....and, what if you are hunting using radios to tell each other?
.....and what if you are using supersonic ammo and they will still hear your shot because of the supersonic crack, but it just won't be so loud as to damage the shooter's hearing or scare someone out of bed?

What if you are hunting some of the species that are legally huntable at nightime with a handgun in an area where some people live? What about when hunting game you can hunt at night in MD with a rifle and people live a quarter mile away you don't want to wake up?

In some European countries it is good manners to use a silencer when hunting (at day or at night) and it is even expected to do so....the UK is one of these places.

Ridiculous? Tell that to the people disturbed by loud booms in the early morning hours or even at night. YOu may want to hear your buddy's shot because you don't want to use radios or even Nextel cell phones to tell each other, but I am more than willing to bet the poor soul woken up a half hour after sunrise by your shot would disagree big time.