Should hunters switch to 'green' bullets?

Fishn Guy

That's Dr. Fishn to you..
The math is generally unimportant.
The fact of the matter is that lead is going to be illegal due to health and environmental reasons... Those are political doorchimes for "bad ####". doesn't even matter if its true, it just takes one talking head to raise a point like that and it will become law on the possibility that one of your kids hypothetically walks through the woods, picks, and eats a bullet for lunch...

After traveling all around the country shooting things I can tell you that as of right now you need to double check regulations everywhere you go. Not just state to state either... Lead is legal for quail and pheasant here, but there are 4 parks where it is not allowed. Some states have restrictions on the make/ brand of shot allowed in the state as well.

Steel sinkers are already stocking the shelves and in some public ponds are the only sinkers legally used.


I've read that the solid copper bullets are better at mass retention... cant find any numbers though...


I bowl overhand
I'm not sure I gave a lot of opinions. What I said was the federal government has banned certain products. If the federal government says its against the law, that's just something you're going to have to deal with.

This may just be the price you have to pay to play the game.

SO instead of DOING something about it, just let the people in Washington dictate EVERYTHING about what we do, or what we can't do...

It's just the way it's going to be, live with it.

That's a hell of an attitude, and an attitude that very well can, and will be taken advantage of.



New Member
SO instead of DOING something about it, just let the people in Washington dictate EVERYTHING about what we do, or what we can't do...

It's just the way it's going to be, live with it.

That's a hell of an attitude, and an attitude that very well can, and will be taken advantage of.


Look, I know this is a touchy subject for you. I will try to respond without stepping on your toes. I would appreciate it if you stopped flaming my posts.

The majority of the voting public elects our leaders. They make laws that we have to deal with. Whether you or I like it or not, we must accept it or break the law.

I try my best to be a law abiding citizen. I can also say that I am a member of several firearm and hunting rights organizations, along with several more fishing and outdoor organizations. I also vote in every election.

If you expect to have these rights in the future, you should take it upon yourself to accept all forms of hunting instead of creating a rift between parties that are on your side. It will be easier for the anti groups to separate the outdoor going people.

I enjoy going afield, so if lead becomes outlawed and non lead alternatives are the only thing available, I will use them instead of staying home.

Lead or not I am not greatly concerned about what I am shooting-as long as it provides humane kills and shoots straight. Isn't that what all this is about? Who really cares what the ammunition is composed of?

If steel shot cripples more birds, shouldn't we all take it upon ourselves to limit our range or improve our shots? Isn't that what being a responsible outdoorsman is all about?