Should I have To Pay For CRE's Mistakes?


Jack Russells RULE!
When you are looking at houses to buy you have to take everything into consideration, aside from location. The cost and reliability of utilities (as I've learned) is one of several factors.


ladyhawk said:
Okay I am a board member, My name is June and I am the Secretary. There is a lot you can do as a member. So can every member.

1. Come to a meeting, voice your concerns when you have the chance.
2. Read your Maryland Home Owners Act
3. Read CRE Covenants and Bylaws.
4. Join a committee

Hey, I think I know you! You work at D in the same office with G?


ladyhawk said:
Not with G anymore, Have my own office now! LOL


You mean he's all alone there in that big office? Who's gonna keep him company?


New Member
StoneThrower said:
I am concerned as a member, CRE hired a high price GM and never consulted the membership before doing so. Now all of a sudden there complaining about being short on money and sticking us with all kinds of increases. Why should I have to pay more for a bad decision on their part?
What's really odd is why they would hire someone they cant afford, and after realizing they can’t, why he's still here? Maybe they haven’t figured it out yet, but if the board isn’t going to fix their mistake is there anything the membership can do?
What protection do I have as a member in case they do something else stupid, like putting in a swimming pool in the campground?
I dont honestly think you have any protection. You can keep a sharp eye on everything that goes on but thats about it. I guess you could petition the board for action on the matter.


ladyhawk said:
You two are too funny! Now if I can just figure out who you are! LOL

I'll give you a hint. My parents cabin is finished now and we just had a big house warming party for them this weekend. Wanna see a pic?


Marie said:
I dont honestly think you have any protection. You can keep a sharp eye on everything that goes on but thats about it. I guess you could petition the board for action on the matter.

When I lived in an HOA I made damn sure my wife and I were both committee chairs. That allowed Us to be involved in every Facet of what was going on with the BOD.

Complain all you want about what the Board is doing but if you wana change things it takes a little effort on your part.

BTW I live in CRE Partime :yay:


What do your HOA By-laws and Rules & Regulations say?

Or, did you not ever read them when you bought your home in CRE? Betcha' at least half of the people who buy into an area with homewner's associations do not read the HOA documents they get before or at settlement. If you think the HOA is ripping you off, confront them.


5857dave said:
Or, did you not ever read them when you bought your home in CRE? Betcha' at least half of the people who buy into an area with homewner's associations do not read the HOA documents they get before or at settlement. If you think the HOA is ripping you off, confront them.

The governing documents are available at .

The covenants were written in the early 90's. They haven't changed since then.

The By-laws change almost every year with the annual vote of the membership. Members should look at the By-laws periodically. Changes that took affect based on the vote in July are published in the Round Up Times.

It's pretty negative to say "If you think the HOA is ripping you off, confront them.". This may be part of the reason the Boards of HOA have continued to work exclusively in Board rooms instead of discussing issues in on-line forums.

Please remember as well, these Board members have a group of regular attendees who state "we care more than the rest of the members because we come to all the meetings and we volunteer on all of your committees. You have to listen to us". It's easy for the Board to forget that these few may not be a true representation of the membership.

You have three board members who are active in these forums.

If you have questions about your HOA, Chesapeake Ranch Estates in particular, please discuss it here in an open friendly forum.

If you have a question about Home Owners Associations in general.... that may not be something we can answer...but heh... we all learn from discussion...

Let me make one thing perfectly clear from the outset... I am not one of the Board that for the current GM, the current budget, the raise in fees, the raise in the Special Taxing District, or the dog park. I voted against them all. That said I cannot explain the thinking of others... sorry...

I would still be happy to discuss those issues tho... just setting my bias out on the table before we begin.


Active Member
Bronwyn said:
I'll give you a hint. My parents cabin is finished now and we just had a big house warming party for them this weekend. Wanna see a pic?

I wish we could have seen ours built : (
But we decided to use the money to buy our plane! By the time "Next time" comes around, we will have the money to try again and the plans will include a private runway! But probably in a state that has a little more sense when it comes to taxing! 15-20 years... Only by then I may be to old to rehab or retrain anything let alone a horse! LOL


Active Member
Marie said:
I dont honestly think you have any protection. You can keep a sharp eye on everything that goes on but thats about it. I guess you could petition the board for action on the matter.

If we can get more of the members involved, we as members, will have more power to stop some of the things that seem to constantly come around and even have more power to get other things accomplished that are needed!

We as members need to provide more input on what is done throughout our community! As long we don't have a "government" making decisions for us, we should be able to get our community to a point where most people living in here are happier and proud of where they live! I've not seen this for a long time.... But it did exist....

Without member involvement, we will end up having to deal with someone else's ideas of what our community should be. Personally with some of what I've heard, I don't want that. I don't think the other members will either, considering their ideas will cost us more money and ultimately raise all our fees which I know most of us don't want!


ladyhawk said:
I wish we could have seen ours built : (
But we decided to use the money to buy our plane! By the time "Next time" comes around, we will have the money to try again and the plans will include a private runway! But probably in a state that has a little more sense when it comes to taxing! 15-20 years... Only by then I may be to old to rehab or retrain anything let alone a horse! LOL

Koff Koff Idaho ........ :whistle:


Active Member
RadioPatrol said:
Koff Koff Idaho ........ :whistle:

Believe it or not, its on our list.. We went to college up there! LOL
University of Idaho (moscow) right on the Washington/Idaho boarder. And Washington State was only 15 minutes up the road! LOL


Active Member
The board meeting tonight is a regular board meeting.

The membership meeting, which is the one we are trying to get you to attend, are our Saturday meetings!

You are still invited to our regular meetings but keep in mind you won't be able to vote or make motions... Thats what the Saturdays meeting is suppose to be for which are the ones I've been trying to get you to come to!

Just an FYI