5857dave said:
Or, did you not ever read them when you bought your home in CRE? Betcha' at least half of the people who buy into an area with homewner's associations do not read the HOA documents they get before or at settlement. If you think the HOA is ripping you off, confront them.
The governing documents are available at
www.poacre.org .
The covenants were written in the early 90's. They haven't changed since then.
The By-laws change almost every year with the annual vote of the membership. Members should look at the By-laws periodically. Changes that took affect based on the vote in July are published in the Round Up Times.
It's pretty negative to say "If you think the HOA is ripping you off, confront them.". This may be part of the reason the Boards of HOA have continued to work exclusively in Board rooms instead of discussing issues in on-line forums.
Please remember as well, these Board members have
a group of regular attendees who state "we care more than the rest of the members because we come to all the meetings and we volunteer on all of your committees.
You have to listen to us". It's easy for the Board to forget that these few may not be a true representation of the membership.
You have three board members who are active in these forums.
If you have questions about your HOA, Chesapeake Ranch Estates in particular, please discuss it here in an open friendly forum.
If you have a question about Home Owners Associations in general.... that may not be something we can answer...but heh... we all learn from discussion...
Let me make one thing perfectly clear from the outset... I am not one of the Board that for the current GM, the current budget, the raise in fees, the raise in the Special Taxing District, or the dog park. I voted against them all. That said I cannot explain the thinking of others... sorry...
I would still be happy to discuss those issues tho... just setting my bias out on the table before we begin.