Should the county buy 98 Star/WMDM/WKIK a generator?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: and one more thing......

Originally posted by Aimhigh2000
And a larger part of the problem is the fact that in somd, we continue to do business as usual. We don't plan smart growth, we elect officials with good ole county names and it seems like all they want is to put money in the county pockets and their own. Let them take a clue from DC, Baltimore, Boston, Seattle.........there is real life beyond the county lines.....I have seen it....I have proof!
WTF are you talking about? Smart growth? Sounds like making some people suffer for what others want that don’t even own the property they want to control. What do you consider smart growth? I think what we have is a little too much already.

Not all officials have the county names, but many are from families that have a history in the local area, imagine that? And I guess that you think that these county officials should be concentrating on sending the money out of the county?

Yeah, let’s take some lessons from DC and Baltimore. And not duplicate them. While there might be some niceties there are also some painful horrors. The same goes for Boston and Seattle. How can you compare a county of 80,000 with cities at a million or so? We are by no means a big city – thankfully.

Life beyond the county? Yeah, so what. Been there, done it, got my tee shirt. There is plenty of life within the county, just different.


New Member

Its true St. Mary's county doesn't know how to zone. We have all of these shopping centers with only two being successful(for now). (Wal-Mart and First Colony). Until another shopping center is built and puts those out of business. I'm going home!!


Active Member
Smart Growth

Smart= i.e. intelligent= i.e. not put all of the eggs in one basket. Someone at the Federal level had to approve one person owning all the stations. And the county if I recall in the worthlessprise paper approved some of the acquisitions. If you want to learn from DC, not the feds, the local DC government, look at construction. First bid and first hires are required by law to be DC businesses. That keeps money in the district. Instead of having all of these outside contractors......or out of state, how bout giving the good ole boys here in the county first crack at the plate? My friend Mr. Ridgell had to give up his business because of all this outsourcing. I think some have been listening to Limbaugh to much.....Oh wait...didn't that conservative republican get busted for drugs? just a thought:dance:


Happy Camper!
Re: Smart Growth

Originally posted by Aimhigh2000
First bid and first hires are required by law to be DC businesses. That keeps money in the district. Instead of having all of these outside contractors......or out of state, how bout giving the good ole boys here in the county first crack at the plate? My friend Mr. Ridgell had to give up his business because of all this outsourcing.

Just trying to relate this to my personal job here , so you are saying it is "smarter" for the county to pay $9,000 to bid a print job to a local county business than to pay $4,500 to an out of county bidder for the same exact job???


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: Smart Growth

Originally posted by Aimhigh2000
worthlessprise paper

I'm curious as to why you don't like the paper. I've been disappointed in the lack of real investigative reporting on county government. The paper doesn't seem to be plugged into the network of older county families--it seems to be focusing on Lexington Park and the military community to the exclusion of the rest of the county.


Pitty Party
They ought to close the Radio Station down. Its a joke anyway and has been for as long as I can remember.

If there going to be in business they at least should do some real reporting of interest.

Its like Channel 10.. What a joke. Get some real cameras and
microphones and maybe someone that knows what there doing to run and televise a real show. :barf:


Active Member
The paper

It's not that I don't like it, its along the lines of what you say. there is no accurate reporting of what is really going on. Now don't get me wrong, I don't mind knowing that the Granny's Knitting Club sewed their 10th quilt, or that AA is meeting at the library at 7pm, but lawdy, put all that in one section and free up the rest of the paper for some real stories. And the radio stations that are only really "live" in the mornings, with their one news story played over and over and over, on all the stations is a joke. And for crying out loud, how many times do we have to hear about Honey Hams in the morning? Those of us with a BS in Business or MBA's should take over. And leave channel 10 alone. I enjoy bringing friends down from the city to watch quality broadcasting at its finest. :whistle: