Should the 'skins


Active Member
Start with Jason Campbell. :rolleyes:

Everyone is quick to blame the quarterback. How many passes has he put right in their hands and they were either missed or dropped? Many more than were overthrown or otherwise. He is still fresh. Give him a chance to come into his own!! These WR are veterans for godsakes!!


Football addict team history and here is why;

We'd just had the big season 2004. Joe is back! He brought Mark! Hooray!

Well, Mark can't play anymore and we go until the season is lost with Mark dinking and dunking before facing the obvious and Ramsey plays out the season and is named starter for the coming year.

So, we start against the Bears and Ramsey is getting it going, throws the great td to Cooley that gets called back and gets hurt. Joe sits him. Won't let him back in the game and we're back to Mark world.

Mark starts off at Dallas HORRIBLE for 55 minutes. Without two miracle passes
Joe has to go back to Ramsey, has to. So, Mark and Santana, on bombs no less, validate Joe's new way of putting all the pressure on the defense. 2005is an illusion as Joe won't even let Ramsey mop up against the 49ers or Cowboys in blowouts and we go on to set records of offensive futility against the Bucs in the playoffs, after getting in totally thanks to the defense, with a crippled Mark deemed better than our #2 healthy.

So, we go into 2006 with Joe believing in this hyper controlled offense run by the mistake free aging vet. And the pattern starts all over again; close games, all the pressure on the defense, the game against Houston validating the Mark thing again and we go on until another season is lost.

Had we lost that game in Dallas and Joe had to face the music then, things might be better today. As it happens, we've been playing the same way ever since Joe came back; flashes of brilliance, huge pressure on the defense and sticking to what Joe wants it to be on the field in the face of what it is.
...or Ramsey still becomes a third stringer for Denver somehow.:shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...or Ramsey still becomes a third stringer for Denver somehow.:shrug:

...argument is that we might have, might have been a better offense at that time with Ramsey than Brunell. Taking a guy who was the starter and giving him until the very first excuse comes along to make a change sets a tone with the team; starting right then and there, everyone on the team knew it was going to be about personality, not performance.

Ramsey had played better than Mark the year before and he was moving the ball against the Bears. He had a much better arm. He was pretty accurate. It just clouded, to me, the whole team president/head coach thing.

Maybe it's just my pet peeve.


Well-Known Member
...argument is that we might have, might have been a better offense at that time with Ramsey than Brunell. Taking a guy who was the starter and giving him until the very first excuse comes along to make a change sets a tone with the team; starting right then and there, everyone on the team knew it was going to be about personality, not performance.

Ramsey had played better than Mark the year before and he was moving the ball against the Bears. He had a much better arm. He was pretty accurate. It just clouded, to me, the whole team president/head coach thing.

Maybe it's just my pet peeve.

Just because it's your pet peeve doesn't mean that it's wrong. It's funny you mention personality issues. I remember reading quite awhile back about a former Skin's receiver(Charlie Brown? Maybe?)saying if you wanted to guarantee you would start, just make sure you joined the prayer group run by the Head Coach. At the time, I just put it down to sour grapes.
But now.....................?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Brian Mitchell...

Just because it's your pet peeve doesn't mean that it's wrong. It's funny you mention personality issues. I remember reading quite awhile back about a former Skin's receiver(Charlie Brown? Maybe?)saying if you wanted to guarantee you would start, just make sure you joined the prayer group run by the Head Coach. At the time, I just put it down to sour grapes.
But now.....................?

...made the argument on the radio yesterday that if you are a 'Gibbs' guy you get every chance to succeed, see Mark Brunell. If you are not, then you get a short rope, see Brandon Lloyd. His point was that, obviously with this team, you don't know who is in charge of what and that Mark was clearly Joe's idea and that Lloyd probably was not. In any event, Lloyd didn't suddenly become completely useless nor did Archuletta. I always wonder why Clark and Pierce were let go. Sure as hell wasn't performance or money.

Mitchell went on to say that from what he hears from guys off the record Brandon has not be a locker room problem and a number of guys support that. He went on to say that if you are a problem player, everyone knows about it and the grape vine lets it be known.

In the old days Joe was given players and he either sank or swam with them and you had that positive pressure to set differences aside and focus on the task whereas now, not only is Joe picking people he wants but the ones he doesn't want, he doesn't have to deal with them.

I can't fault anyone for saying "If you want me, I want this and this and this or forget about it". If someone is willing to do that, meet your terms, well...

I mean, the Joe is God people completely leave out that Joe makes HUGE dollars. He didn't want this, Snyder talked him into it and, from a dollars and cents sense, what the hell, it works for everybody.

The young Joe Gibbs coached from a rather different dynamic and he can't be faulted for wanting to do things his way as much as possible.

A good book will be written some day.


...made the argument on the radio yesterday that if you are a 'Gibbs' guy you get every chance to succeed, see Mark Brunell. If you are not, then you get a short rope, see Brandon Lloyd. His point was that, obviously with this team, you don't know who is in charge of what and that Mark was clearly Joe's idea and that Lloyd probably was not. In any event, Lloyd didn't suddenly become completely useless nor did Archuletta. I always wonder why Clark and Pierce were let go. Sure as hell wasn't performance or money.

Mitchell went on to say that from what he hears from guys off the record Brandon has not be a locker room problem and a number of guys support that. He went on to say that if you are a problem player, everyone knows about it and the grape vine lets it be known.

In the old days Joe was given players and he either sank or swam with them and you had that positive pressure to set differences aside and focus on the task whereas now, not only is Joe picking people he wants but the ones he doesn't want, he doesn't have to deal with them.

I can't fault anyone for saying "If you want me, I want this and this and this or forget about it". If someone is willing to do that, meet your terms, well...

I mean, the Joe is God people completely leave out that Joe makes HUGE dollars. He didn't want this, Snyder talked him into it and, from a dollars and cents sense, what the hell, it works for everybody.

The young Joe Gibbs coached from a rather different dynamic and he can't be faulted for wanting to do things his way as much as possible.

A good book will be written some day.

Not sure how this relates or not but this morning they were talking about this issue and I was getting ready for work so just caught parts of it... it was DocWalker and someone talking about this very topic about Gibbs. Then I started doing other things, then got back and they were using the Bill Parcell example and him going to Dallas and he's hall of fame coach, etc... and not able to make things work and how just a few years laters, mostly the same players and look at Dallas now :shrug: Just thought I'd toss that in there, not sure who's side of the argument it will help, I stopped keeping up sometime ago on this :lol: Does this example help the debate any? :shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Not sure how this relates or not but this morning they were talking about this issue and I was getting ready for work so just caught parts of it... it was DocWalker and someone talking about this very topic about Gibbs. Then I started doing other things, then got back and they were using the Bill Parcell example and him going to Dallas and he's hall of fame coach, etc... and not able to make things work and how just a few years laters, mostly the same players and look at Dallas now :shrug: Just thought I'd toss that in there, not sure who's side of the argument it will help, I stopped keeping up sometime ago on this :lol: Does this example help the debate any? :shrug:

...Parcells coached Dallas last year and they made the playoffs. That said, Jerry Jones is the owner and makes no bones about being involved. He, unlike Snyder, is a football guy having played in college on a national championship team.

Jones is a guy he looks at a TO and says I want you because of your talent. I wanna win. Parcells may or may not have wanted him, but, be that as it may, Parcells did better in Dallas than Gibbs has this time around. Parcells has also won with the Giants, the Jets and the Patriots.

So, the dynamic is different. Jones wants to win and is focused on those type things. He brought Parcells in to win. Snyder wants to sell tickets and is focused on those type things. He brought Gibbs in to sell tickets.


...Parcells coached Dallas last year and they made the playoffs. That said, Jerry Jones is the owner and makes no bones about being involved. He, unlike Snyder, is a football guy having played in college on a national championship team.

Jones is a guy he looks at a TO and says I want you because of your talent. I wanna win. Parcells may or may not have wanted him, but, be that as it may, Parcells did better in Dallas than Gibbs has this time around. Parcells has also won with the Giants, the Jets and the Patriots.

So, the dynamic is different. Jones wants to win and is focused on those type things. He brought Parcells in to win. Snyder wants to sell tickets and is focused on those type things. He brought Gibbs in to sell tickets.

I see your point... by the way - you are looking chilly again :ohwell: It's too cold and windy not to wear your game day gear today :smile:


Supper's Ready
Just watching the Redskins pre-game show. I find it really annoying that despite the obvious upper hand the Cowboys have in this game, the local media seems to be in denial of that. I do recognize the NFC east rivalries as games which are difficult to predict, but this "last four matches", and focusing on the NFC East rivalry pitch (without really talking about the obvious present state of both teams) doesn't seem realistic.

I'm hoping the Redskins pull it off today, but at least if the media at least acknowledged how tough that will be to do today, I'd feel they were being more objective. Anyone else get the same take?


Just watching the Redskins pre-game show. I find it really annoying that despite the obvious upper hand the Cowboys have in this game, the local media seems to be in denial of that. I do recognize the NFC east rivalries as games which are difficult to predict, but this "last four matches", and focusing on the NFC East rivalry pitch (without really talking about the obvious present state of both teams) doesn't seem realistic.

I'm hoping the Redskins pull it off today, but at least if the media at least acknowledged how tough that will be to do today, I'd feel they were being more objective. Anyone else get the same take?

I noticed it too :lol: