Should the St. Mary's County commissioners

Should St. Mary's County get a new move theatre

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Well-Known Member
take a proactive role in enticing an out-of-area company to open a state of the art movie complex?

If they gave me the money and enticed me enough, I'd open it my own damn self!


I'd rather see locals get richer, and I'd rather the commissioners use our money in the school system etc.


24/7 Single Dad
NO, NO and NO :neener:
Other than ensuring a business is operated safely, government should not have anything (including taxing) to do with business.
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Jarboe is the only decent one there,....the rest are a bunch of idiots..


County already screwed this idea up

I heard that there was supposed to be a movie theatre where BJ's is. The developer put BJs and then agreed to make it up with a pool. Great Mills pool!

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Jarboe is the only decent one there,....the rest are a bunch of idiots..

I suppose you like St. Mary's Today, also?

Geez, Toppick, I have given you too much credit. I am sorely disappointed in your words and thoughts. He's a friggin idiot. Were you around when he and Chris Brugman were on the BOCC together?

Also, do some research on John Kachmar, who was the County Administrator for a brief period. He's Jarboe's hero..........see if you can follow Kachmar's career down to Beufort (sp?), South Carolina. Friggin hilarious, but Jarboe would hire him back in a second and has said so.


I suppose you like St. Mary's Today, also?

Geez, Toppick, I have given you too much credit. I am sorely disappointed in your words and thoughts. He's a friggin idiot. Were you around when he and Chris Brugman were on the BOCC together?

Also, do some research on John Kachmar, who was the County Administrator for a brief period. He's Jarboe's hero..........see if you can follow Kachmar's career down to Beufort (sp?), South Carolina. Friggin hilarious, but Jarboe would hire him back in a second and has said so.

Like I said,.........he is my favorite,....the rest are suckasses........:yay: