Should Women Add This To Their Dating Profile?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I don't do dating apps/profiles, but I do profile people when I meet them. As well I should. :yay: But - heck yeah! :jet: I think it's a great idea and / or at least a good conversation/comment starter. That's the point of dating apps - to try and stand out in order to meet people. Otherwise, they're just boring.

Even though I don't do the dating apps - I do meet a lot of guys and I love meeting new and interesting guys. BUT Low credit-scored dudes need not apply. BTDT and won't make that mistake again! :getdown: FTR, my credit score is higher than hers. :biggrin:


Well-Known Member
A good credit score isn't indicative of having LOTS OF MONEY. It means someone who has SOME money is very, very good with how they handle it. They're not sinking in debt, they pay bills on time and they don't spend beyond their means. That is certainly attractive in any person.

Of course, she hit on a lot of things that - once you're involved - they'd better be there if you want a successful relationship. I've had at least a few relationships where we were totally not on the same page on a LOT of things, even though we seemed to click on a social level.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
@SamSpade -That's pretty much what the gal in the video says. A good credit score shows responsibility, along with a lot of other things.

Of course - A LOT of things can contribute to a low score. As in all things one has to take in the entire picture of a person.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
I'm sooo glad my current relationship isn't a business deal. Through circumstances which I had little control over, I had to let my house go back to the predatory lender. After many years, I'm just now reestablishing my credit history. I'm so very lucky to find someone to share my cardboard box and make it a home. Carry on...


Well-Known Member
I'm sooo glad my current relationship isn't a business deal. Through circumstances which I had little control over, I had to let my house go back to the predatory lender. After many years, I'm just now reestablishing my credit history. I'm so very lucky to find someone to share my cardboard box and make it a home. Carry on...
I really am happy that you found someone. You deserve it Prch.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I'm sooo glad my current relationship isn't a business deal. Through circumstances which I had little control over, I had to let my house go back to the predatory lender. After many years, I'm just now reestablishing my credit history. I'm so very lucky to find someone to share my cardboard box and make it a home. Carry on...
Having a lot of money, or not is certainly NOT an indicator at all of a good person. But, there's nothing wrong with taking all factors into consideration, including financial. Especially if you've been taken advantage of in the past. :yay: I think it's more tongue in cheek to be included in a dating profile, though! I would have laughed out loud seeing that, myself. And afterall, dating should be fun and not boring!

FTR, I do NOT have a "career" salary or a huuge 401k /retirement plan. (nor am I a gold digger seeking to be a kept woman. Gross!) I have my house, which I've scraped and saved for the entire time I've been divorced. I qualified for my Rural Development loan due to my excellent credit score, but I would ditch it in a heartbeat if I needed to stay afloat. I have modest savings and I manage it very well. I made a costly mistake in my mid-20's and vowed to never live beyond my means again. I've kept that vow.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Pretty soon dating sites will have something like the video games have for their players. A bunch of graphs with show their credit score, BMI, health, number of exes, and who knows what else they could put on there.



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Pretty soon dating sites will have something like the video games have for their players. A bunch of graphs with show their credit score, BMI, health, number of exes, and who knows what else they could put on there.


