Should You Shag Someone With Bad Politics?


PREMO Member
Two weeks ago I went on a date with a man who, after we’d got the small talk out of the way, declared himself an enthusiastic supporter of a late 20th century dictator. And not even one of the cooler ones, like Fidel Castro or Scar from The Lion King. I was disturbed by this information but instead of taking him to task – pulling out Wikipedia and sassily reading out a list of atrocities – I calmly finished my drink and invited him back to my flat, where we made that foul, grunting, two-backed beast.

When I told a friend of mine what had happened, she accused me of only caring about politics when it affected me directly. Had my date instead said something nice about Michael Gove, she suggested, I’d have launched into an excoriating rant before storming out. I was flattered by this characterisation of myself as political firebrand (if a selective one), but I’m not sure it’s true. Had my date been a plain old Tory, I’m pretty sure I still would have taken him home, put his penis in my mouth and stimulated it to the point of ejaculation.

Oh yeah and Mattress Girl is RED Pilled now she hangs out with Conservatives


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I'm still wondering about that Kelly Anne Conway, George Conway thing. Is it a sexless marriage or a really angry sex thing?


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Doubtful..most I've seen in the other party are either fugly or insane.
Yr not looking in the right places, obviously.

She wants someone like you.
