Shout out to the people that care


Well-Known Member
Don't know what on earth I did last night, but when I tried to leave my boyfriend's house, the pain in my knee was excruciating, never felt anything like it. Couldn't put any weight on it, and when I did manage to get slightly to my feet, I was trembling so badly that it scared the hell out of me, actually thought I was having a seizure or something. Finally ended up just trying to wait it out and when that didn't work; he managed to find a walker that had belonged to his mom. Helped slightly. Ended up navigating his stairs on my rear end, sliding step by step until I hit the bottom. And a half hour later I managed to get to my feet and make it to my car, a distance of less than 20 feet.

He followed me home and got me inside and watched the Golden Bachelor with me and poked fun at how idiotic that show is - which was exactly what I needed. My son woke up and met him for the first time and was surprisingly enough, friendly and polite. He's autistic; he's usually just plain...I don't know, himself, which is always weird. Anyhoo, when the BF went home, my son got me a pillow, and a blanket, and a heating pad, and Vicks Vapor Rub and Mylanta. It was not a pleasant evening and it's not much better today - unless I die first, I have to have the surgery.

I don't know the point of this post. I was always the person who took care of everyone else and that's what's always been what's expected of me. Never been on the flip side of it, never had anyone that was following me home to make sure that I got in, never had anyone that I could slide down the steps on my ass and not feel humiliated by doing so. I was a complete mess and that man made me feel like I was gold. So it's a shout out to my boyfriend and a shout out to all the men who care about the women in their lives, as well as all the women who care about all the men in their life. And all the grown up kids that bring you Vicks Vapo rub for your knee pain and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches w/o jelly, because they don't like jelly. It's a post about the people that love you and sometimes you're just too stupid to realize it.

It's a dumb post.
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