Another good story about BB&T, 15 years ago when my dad passed away he had just received a year of back pay for social security disability after they determined that his cancer made him disabled. The deposit of roughly $20k went into the bank account three days before he passed away. About a month later my mom wrote the check for his funeral expenses and a few other things from that money. She gets a notice that some checks bounced, the social security admin pulled the money back, it is a standard procedure but they did not notify us. Mom went to the bank, BB&Ts manager refunded all of the bounced check fees and actually called the local Social Security office with us, the person we talked to there tried to say the bank returned it, the manager set her straight.
Fast forward three months later, my mom gets the money back from social security, then a few weeks later she gets a letter from they saying that the money was going to be pulled as is standard procedure if someone passes away in a month they get a check.
Point of the story is BB&T didn't need to do all that they did for her and the Social Security Admin sucks ass.