Have you seen Sense 8 yet?
I watched the first episode pretty much right after it came out - but after three tries and falling asleep every time, I thought, ok, how engaging is it really?
I'd been a fan of J Michael Straczinski (Babylon 5, Crusade, many new Twilight Zones - and others) so I gave it a try but I just wasn't sure if I really wanted to keep up.
I don't know why it is but - some serialized stories have just ONE BIG TELL to tell, so they stretch the damned thing out. Lost wasn't like that - they were just good at resolving ONE thread only to create three more. JMS - in B5 and Crusade - had this thing about misdirection - yeah, there's stuff about Sinclair - but that ain't the story. Yup, there's ancient ones - and Shadows - but that ain't the story. EACH time, he carefully wove the story so you weren't waiting for the big reveal.
He said in an interview that in Crusade - they would find the cure in Season *2* - but there'd be bigger problems. And he had five seasons to tell it, had it gone on.
Other shows - they peak early because they're losing viewers. I liked the Mentalist but - once they caught Red John, it should have been over.
Anyway, one of the shows I'm cultivating an interest in is Taboo. It has an old novel feel to it - but the story doesn't look like I'll stay on. I was that way with TURN - the Washington spy story. I was kind of like - you know, missed two episodes already and it didn't change anything.