Signs of the Times?


I'm waiting to hear about those things, too. Have you come across anything in the news?

I've heard Israel is interested in five-to-seven year peace treaty or at least a cease-fire and demilitarizing the Gaza strip.
That's pretty tenuous, and Palestinians don't seem very interested, and refuses to compromise on key issues.

Personally, I see the other events (rebuilt temple, etc) as prerequisites to a seven year pact with the Antichrist that is the harbinger of the Tribulation period. So unless those other things have happened, any 7 year covenant with Israel is coincidental and not indicative of the End Times. IMO.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so a message for all. Does that still mean that God is using Islam to do this? If so, what do you think that implies?

Romans 1 is perhaps the best description of humanity today - if it feels good, do it - and just don't worry about what that so-called "god" has to say about it.

God allows people do what they do, one on one or nation on nation, religion on religion. Like in Romans 1:28, where He turned us over to our own reprobate/depraved mindsets. That's why every person has a choice on their actions - to do it or not. The free will thingy, if you will. God does not use people to do things against others. We do that perfectly all by ourselves.

We have met the enemy, and he is us.

It is close.


New Member
there as always been wars and rumors of wars throughout history, can't go by that one. Always been earthquakes. Big one is the rebirth of the state of Israel. The antichrist is suppsoed to commit the abombination of desolation, which I believe may very well require that the temple to be rebuilt. In addition any treaty that Israel makes that with any strong leader that is suppsoed to last for 7 years is a big alarm bell.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
What do you think are 'signs of the times, end of days, pre-trib, etc'.Post 'em!

Here's one to start with, that I just came across this morning. I honestly had no idea this was happening. Yes, I live under a rock these days.

Civil Forfeiture

How cops take millions from motorists not charged with crimes

edited to add: even if you're not interested in the topic, you should watch the video. Funny.

If you would have asked that question a month ago one of the answers would have been "mAlice finds religion"