

Salt Life
ashliekay711 said:
can anyone give me the signs of early pregnancy, other than the obvious missed periods and nausea? TIA
Some people don't show any signs, other than a missed period. I was sick (throwing up a dozen times a day), extremely tired and lethergic and I had a heightened sense of smell. I couldn't wear lotions or perfume (both of which I love) and the faintest of smells would make me gag! :lol:


New Member
I found this. Hope it helps

1. Tender breasts: Many women report increased sensitivity, fullness, or heaviness within a few days. By two weeks after conception, your areolas (the pinkish or brown skin surrounding the nipples) may start to enlarge.

2. Spotting: Scantier than a period and sometimes mixed with a yellowish discharge, a small amount of bleeding may occur when the developing egg implants itself in your uterine wall.

3. Fatigue: Can't keep awake at work? If you feel tired even after a good night's sleep, your body may be going through the changes of early pregnancy.

4. Nausea: Don't think of it as "morning sickness," since it can strike at any time of the day or night. It might feel like a slight case of seasickness or a full-fledged stomach virus -- or you may not experience it at all.

5. Bloating: Many women mistake this early sign of pregnancy for PMS; the tip-off may come when your period doesn't arrive.

6. Increased urination: You may need to go to the bathroom more than usual, a symptom that will return in spades during your last trimester.

7. Stretching of pelvic ligaments: During the course of a normal pregnancy, the uterus will grow to about 1,000 times its prepregnant size (imagine a pear turning into a basketball). Some women feel their pelvic ligaments stretching to make room for this growth to occur.

8. Food cravings: If you suddenly find yourself ravenous for citrus fruits, red meat (even if you're a vegetarian), or potato chips, don't assume it's all in your head. Pregnant bodies may crave increased amounts of vitamin C, iron, and salt -- among other things -- even from the very beginning.


tjzmi725 said:
I found this. Hope it helps

1. Tender breasts: Many women report increased sensitivity, fullness, or heaviness within a few days. By two weeks after conception, your areolas (the pinkish or brown skin surrounding the nipples) may start to enlarge.

2. Spotting: Scantier than a period and sometimes mixed with a yellowish discharge, a small amount of bleeding may occur when the developing egg implants itself in your uterine wall.

3. Fatigue: Can't keep awake at work? If you feel tired even after a good night's sleep, your body may be going through the changes of early pregnancy.

4. Nausea: Don't think of it as "morning sickness," since it can strike at any time of the day or night. It might feel like a slight case of seasickness or a full-fledged stomach virus -- or you may not experience it at all.

5. Bloating: Many women mistake this early sign of pregnancy for PMS; the tip-off may come when your period doesn't arrive.

6. Increased urination: You may need to go to the bathroom more than usual, a symptom that will return in spades during your last trimester.

7. Stretching of pelvic ligaments: During the course of a normal pregnancy, the uterus will grow to about 1,000 times its prepregnant size (imagine a pear turning into a basketball). Some women feel their pelvic ligaments stretching to make room for this growth to occur.

8. Food cravings: If you suddenly find yourself ravenous for citrus fruits, red meat (even if you're a vegetarian), or potato chips, don't assume it's all in your head. Pregnant bodies may crave increased amounts of vitamin C, iron, and salt -- among other things -- even from the very beginning.

OMG! :jameo: My husbands pregnant! :bawl:


Well-Known Member
Mousebaby said:
OMG! :jameo: My husbands pregnant! :bawl:
That's sooo funny. My ex-husband gained 50 pounds to my 4 pounds with my first pregnancy. He had so many food cravings it wasn't funny!

First sign of pregnancy with me (after the tender boobies) I always got a really sharp pain on my right lower quadrant near my appendix when I sat up too quickly. Strange I know....... but had it all three times.


yeah yeah
ashliekay711 said:
can anyone give me the signs of early pregnancy, other than the obvious missed periods and nausea? TIA

tender boobs and also swelling of the breasts
increased cm, meaning there is an abundance of what your norm is
a "clean" smell or bleach smell to the urine
spiked temps that stay above your cover line for more than 2-3 days
missed period
slight spotting that is a brownish discharge (for implantation)
increased urination (sometimes)
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