I know Catt still gives Otter one when he is watching TVa and eatting cheezits
cold blooded.
I know Catt still gives Otter one when he is watching TVa and eatting cheezits
My daughter was good at sippy cups with the straw by 9 months - I put the bottles away. When her brother came along a few months later she decided some things were for the baby only and bottles were one of them.
The only one of my mutts that used a sippy cup was my girl and it was only about a week....her and her brothers figured out that if you put soda in them and shake them they squirt rather good
I hate sippy cups. My boys were done with the bottle before they were a year old and onto regular plastic cups. I've can't stand to see a child tote a sippy cup all over the house, spilling and dribbling milk, etc. all over the place. I used to make them sit at the kitchen table or just sit on the floor somewhere and hold their cup to drink.
And, yeah, I know they have those little rubber things that are supposed to prevent the spilling, but they don't work all that well.