Skecher Shape ups

Sweet 16

Anyone own a pair? If so what do you think about them, would you recommned someone to buying them?

Have not tried them, but unless I planned on wearing them 24/7, I wouldn't invest the $100+ Skechers charges. KMart has the same thing for around $30 and I am sure there are other, reasonably priced ones around. They are just tennis shoes with rounded soles so they're probably no different. I'm still interested in hearing if they work though and if they're better than walking in regular tennis shoes.


New Member
I got mine from Avon for about 30.00 and I love them!! I wear them everywhere, even work. I was afraid that with my bad knee that these shoes would really make the pain worse, but my knee actually feels better. I would recommend them to everyone, I am even looking into getting a better pair!:dye:


New Member
I have a pair, awesome workout. Wear them on the treadmill and walking. My azz isn't on my back yet! :yahoo:

Thanks for replying. I read some reviews people wrote about them on a website, most were great but there were a few not so great. So have you noticed if the shoe helps to tone up your legs and improve your posture any?


Dream Stealer
I have tone-ups..the sketchers flip flops I really like them..they are sooo comfy and are a bit more attractive than the "Moon shoes" sneakers. a bit cheaper too.


I heard a lady on the radio talking about them, she says walking in them feels like walking in sand, is that true?


Having Fun!
I heard a lady on the radio talking about them, she says walking in them feels like walking in sand, is that true?

it's the same principle -- when you walk in sand your heel is the first thing to go down and that's what the shoes do with the curved sole.

Once you've worn them enough to get used to them, you really don't notice a difference in walking in them, they just seem "natural". What is really interesting is switching between them and regular athletic shoes. You notice a difference going back to the regular ones for a bit.

I like them! They're comfortable and don't bother my knees. Haven't worn them consistently enough to vouch for the "toning" piece -- my ass is not yet on my back! :lmao:


Happy Camper
I bought a pair a while back and I like them. You can really feel it in your legs when you're walking and they do make your posture better since they sort of change your center of balance. I haven't been able to do as much as I wanted to since I'm still getting over a broken ankle though. It's been almot 6 months and the stupid ankle still hurts. Anyway, overall, I would rate them high and have noticed a difference.


New Member
Thanks ladies for your replies. I do believe I'll go try a pair on and see how they feel, they do look kinda odd. I hadn't heard of the tone up flip flops but I may give those a try as well.