Skins/Ants game tread...


My Sweetest Boy
yet when he threw a couple deep balls the wind had no effect...

You go out there and try to be qb while the winds are 25 mph and let me know how you do.....

He did everything we needed to win simple as that !

And let's not forgot he had a few passes that were dropped. On another note, Suisham was superb. My favorite play was the 3rd & 9 draw play when Betts scored. :yay:


New Member
Did the 'Skins...

... even bother showing up. :confused:

That must've been a different team. They were completing passes, holding on to the ball, scoring touchdowns, not throwing interceptions, not handing the ball over to the other team, not dropping balls.

That's very unusual behavior. Surely it was another team taking our place. :lmao:


"Typical White Person"
yet when he threw a couple deep balls the wind had no effect...

You go out there and try to be qb while the winds are 25 mph and let me know how you do.....

He did everything we needed to win simple as that !

You are too sensative (based on that karma you gave me) and your defense of Todd Collins, I said he is a smart QB that lacks talent (relatively speaking of course) Who can argue with that??????


"Typical White Person"
But he did do better than Jason Campbell. :shrug:

OK, you are right, lets name him the starter for the next 5 years based on 2 games.

You guys must of missed the 3 or 4 right to the Giant defenders balls he threw that luckily they dropped.

He got us the win, he played pretty smart, he got lucky at times. He still probably has the least physical talent of any QB in the NFL, his arm strength is horrible.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If we...

Landry needs to grow the eff up. Great play, big hit, made a statement then the backyard BS. Sorry Laron, this ain't the bayou boy.

..had 'coaches' he would have been yanked from the game and sat on the bench for the rest of the game. There is so little accountability on this team. One of the things I like about the Reed Doughtys of the world is they KNOW they are not Gods gift to any team lucky enough to have them. The Moss's and Taylors and Landry's see themselves...differently.


Relax, it's fedex
And let's not forgot he had a few passes that were dropped. On another note, Suisham was superb. My favorite play was the 3rd & 9 draw play when Betts scored. :yay:

That as a classic play.. it seems like the draw play is working more than ever in the nfl...


They call me ... Sarcasmo
..had 'coaches' he would have been yanked from the game and sat on the bench for the rest of the game. There is so little accountability on this team. One of the things I like about the Reed Doughtys of the world is they KNOW they are not Gods gift to any team lucky enough to have them. The Moss's and Taylors and Landry's see themselves...differently.

Gibbs and I said the same thing, " What a dumbazz." Ol' Joe had to spend a couple extra minutes in prayer over that one.:lmao:

I think Doughty is starting to look more comfortable in his role. And I can't say enough about how Smoot is starting to play. Maybe he is trying to take on the role as a defensive leader.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Let's not...

Gibbs and I said the same thing, " What a dumbazz." Ol' Joe had to spend a couple extra minutes in prayer over that one.:lmao:

I think Doughty is starting to look more comfortable in his role. And I can't say enough about how Smoot is starting to play. Maybe he is trying to take on the role as a defensive leader.

...go overboard with Fred. He played well and he played hard. He was also dealing with a guy, Plax, who was clearly hurting and a step or so slower than healthy. When he plays like that against TO in two weeks, then we can start building the statue. :lmao:



They call me ... Sarcasmo
...go overboard with Fred. He played well and he played hard. He was also dealing with a guy, Plax, who was clearly hurting and a step or so slower than healthy. When he plays like that against TO in two weeks, then we can start building the statue. :lmao:


He played strong in the Bills and the Bears games too. The fact that he was even WILLING to try and assist on a tackle vs. Jacobs is a step or two above anything he would have done during his first stint here. *He got knocked the eff out, but he got 1/2 tackle and a pretty light show also.:lmao:* AND he finished the game...I'm not ready to build statues but he is maybe starting to back up his jaw jacking.:shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

He played strong in the Bills and the Bears games too. The fact that he was even WILLING to try and assist on a tackle vs. Jacobs is a step or two above anything he would have done during his first stint here. *He got knocked the eff out, but he got 1/2 tackle and a pretty light show also.:lmao:* AND he finished the game...I'm not ready to build statues but he is maybe starting to back up his jaw jacking.:shrug:

...that was pretty tough of him throwing it in there v. Jacobs. He's always, to me, had heart. Again, Bills and Bears and an injured Plax ain't exactly synonymous with aerial assault. He'll get his shot at the Cowboys.


Nothing to see here
Just a thought...

Its been 3 weeks since we lost Sean Taylor..The skins worked thru 3 games, going 2-1 and losing Campbell for the season. Losing Campbell put the cherry on top of an injury devastated offensive season, plus the loss of Taylor to a defensive team that has had significant injuries and guys playing hurt. In my eyes, this team has turned it around by refusing to give up, when a ton of teams would have. One guy is possibly responsible for this, when players could start mailing in their performances OR continue to play at a level less than their best. Most fans gave up after Gibbs called the 2 timeouts, even now after going 2-1, most fans aren't happy with the past 3 weeks results.

You can only play on emotion so long, before it wears you out. I think alot of the players have stood up and taken notice of how their owner stepped to the plate during the past 3 weeks. Instead of seeing their owner as the guy that gives them a paycheck, regardless of the their less than stellar output on the field, they've seen a giving human being that I never thought possible. I think most owners would have given the players a day off to fly at their own expense to Taylors funeral, not an owner who would rent 3 planes and take the whole organization to Florida at his expense. When Todd Collins found that his wife was possibly gonna have an emergency caesarian on Friday, the owner didn't hesitate at getting a private plane and car to get him to Boston for the birth of his son.

All this is a side of Dan Snyder that I have never seen, and I honestly think it has gotten the players attention to where they WANT to earn their paychecks for this guy. We may not make the playoffs, but in my eyes, we are dealing with a team of guys with a totally different mindset than earlier in the year when some were just going thru the motions.

I never thought I would say this, but my hat is off to you, Mr Snyder.


Its been 3 weeks since we lost Sean Taylor..The skins worked thru 3 games, going 2-1 and losing Campbell for the season. Losing Campbell put the cherry on top of an injury devastated offensive season, plus the loss of Taylor to a defensive team that has had significant injuries and guys playing hurt. In my eyes, this team has turned it around by refusing to give up, when a ton of teams would have. One guy is possibly responsible for this, when players could start mailing in their performances OR continue to play at a level less than their best. Most fans gave up after Gibbs called the 2 timeouts, even now after going 2-1, most fans aren't happy with the past 3 weeks results.

You can only play on emotion so long, before it wears you out. I think alot of the players have stood up and taken notice of how their owner stepped to the plate during the past 3 weeks. Instead of seeing their owner as the guy that gives them a paycheck, regardless of the their less than stellar output on the field, they've seen a giving human being that I never thought possible. I think most owners would have given the players a day off to fly at their own expense to Taylors funeral, not an owner who would rent 3 planes and take the whole organization to Florida at his expense. When Todd Collins found that his wife was possibly gonna have an emergency caesarian on Friday, the owner didn't hesitate at getting a private plane and car to get him to Boston for the birth of his son.

All this is a side of Dan Snyder that I have never seen, and I honestly think it has gotten the players attention to where they WANT to earn their paychecks for this guy. We may not make the playoffs, but in my eyes, we are dealing with a team of guys with a totally different mindset than earlier in the year when some were just going thru the motions.

I never thought I would say this, but my hat is off to you, Mr Snyder.

:yeahthat: :clap:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Its been 3 weeks since we lost Sean Taylor..The skins worked thru 3 games, going 2-1 and losing Campbell for the season. Losing Campbell put the cherry on top of an injury devastated offensive season, plus the loss of Taylor to a defensive team that has had significant injuries and guys playing hurt. In my eyes, this team has turned it around by refusing to give up, when a ton of teams would have. One guy is possibly responsible for this, when players could start mailing in their performances OR continue to play at a level less than their best. Most fans gave up after Gibbs called the 2 timeouts, even now after going 2-1, most fans aren't happy with the past 3 weeks results.

You can only play on emotion so long, before it wears you out. I think alot of the players have stood up and taken notice of how their owner stepped to the plate during the past 3 weeks. Instead of seeing their owner as the guy that gives them a paycheck, regardless of the their less than stellar output on the field, they've seen a giving human being that I never thought possible. I think most owners would have given the players a day off to fly at their own expense to Taylors funeral, not an owner who would rent 3 planes and take the whole organization to Florida at his expense. When Todd Collins found that his wife was possibly gonna have an emergency caesarian on Friday, the owner didn't hesitate at getting a private plane and car to get him to Boston for the birth of his son.

All this is a side of Dan Snyder that I have never seen, and I honestly think it has gotten the players attention to where they WANT to earn their paychecks for this guy. We may not make the playoffs, but in my eyes, we are dealing with a team of guys with a totally different mindset than earlier in the year when some were just going thru the motions.

I never thought I would say this, but my hat is off to you, Mr Snyder.

:notworthy:A most excellent post my good sir!

Just a quick question: When was the last time you saw Dan Snyder stalking up and down the sidelines sucking on lemons and gnawing on fingernails?


New Member
I hope the Skins do make the playoffs. I want them to beat Dallas the last game of the season so that it give my GB Packers home field advantage! Go Pack Go!!!!!