Skins - Cowgirls


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
They would have to kick it back to Dallas.
One the 1 they kneel and win

They did not want to score and keep time on the clock.

Game over. Simple as that. Why go through a couple more plays and take the chance on someone getting injured? Plus, they probably wanted to go celebrate.

I heard that in a post game interview, he wanted to make sure RG III got to do a victory formation and final play.
Y'all think what you want, I'm going to go with my "courteous gesture" story because it makes the team sound laudable, and it makes me feel better about them.


A Salute to all on Watch
I heard that in a post game interview, he wanted to make sure RG III got to do a victory formation and final play.

:yeahthat: Some say it's more of a statement to go into a rival stadium and have a kneel down to end the game, especially at the opponents goal line.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I was against the enormous trade for RGIII because it cost soooo much and, to some extent, I still am because all those picks meant depth and no matter how good he is, Robert is always one play from out for the year. Or worse.

In any event, I have to say he is better than I thought and I thought he would be fantastic. The thing he has that you can't know until you know is leadership, which everyone said he had but, man, he LEADS this team and, better still, he makes everyone better and I don't mean where he just is soooooo good that all they have to do is catch perfect passes and fall in the end zone. I mean the whole team seems to play better, more effort, more concentration. And I mean our mediocre DB's, our beat up D line, London Fletcher was a high school kind on the side line screaming his beat up ass off for the kid and the O. He's earned their respect, he seems to have the humility to keep it and they all just look excited and energized.

Guys are making difficult catches for him, holding their blocks a bit longer, selling out to get to the other guys QB, hitting like monsters, special teams beating people up.

You get guys believing and you can beat anybody. This team could be done after losing Garcon and Orakpo and Carriker and and Davis and never having starting safeties to begin with.

Team. Robert Griffin III has lead this team to TEAM. You can preach it but, you can't teach it. You can't fake it. You can't do without it. Not many have it. Gibbs always got his teams to play for each other but I can not think of ONE player we've had that had this kind of effect on the Redskins, as a team, except for one and this is 42 years as a fan talking;


What a joy to watch. Fun, fun stuff!