'Skins vs Giants?


Football addict
Have you been biting your fingernails, down to the nubs?

'Skins game was about like that too, I heard. :whew:
No but I did worry myself into a headache.

The first half was crap.

Some silver lineings...

The defense adjusted and stepped up in the second half allowing no points. The offense seemed a bit better in the run and pass game in the second half. Still bad clock management and shady play calls. The O-line didn't play stellar but they only allowed one sack against a team that averaged 3 1/2 last season.

A work in progress.


Active Member
(oops did I say that out loud?)
Sorry I'm just not impressed by JC and I don't think he's gonna get the hang of this offense. Did you see him trying to plead his case to Zorn on the sideline? I'm glad Zorn told him he didnt want to hear it. As for Zorn, that's a whole other issue. He did some AWFUL play calling in this game. Let's hope he gets better. I was happy to see the defense make adjustments that helped the game. Considering that they played the superbowl champs and held them to 16 points, that's impressive to me. BTW not to mention one of the worst stadiums also. I'll still be there next week cheering them on. HTTR!


Dancing Up A Storm
(oops did I say that out loud?)
Sorry I'm just not impressed by JC and I don't think he's gonna get the hang of this offense. Did you see him trying to plead his case to Zorn on the sideline? I'm glad Zorn told him he didnt want to hear it. As for Zorn, that's a whole other issue. He did some AWFUL play calling in this game. Let's hope he gets better. I was happy to see the defense make adjustments that helped the game. Considering that they played the superbowl champs and held them to 16 points, that's impressive to me. BTW not to mention one of the worst stadiums also. I'll still be there next week cheering them on. HTTR!

So, despite the loss, you are willing to say there is a dawning, a dim light, at the end of the tunnel?

Oh Lord! ESPN has just testified, that the Redskins were only 1 - 13 in 3rd down completions?? Sad..........
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Active Member
So, despite the loss, you are willing to say there is a dawning, a dim light, at the end of the tunnel?

Oh Lord! ESPN has just testified, that the Redskins were only 1 - 13 in 3rd down completions?? Sad..........

If you like your team and are a true fan..there's always a light at the end. Look at our season last year. Did anyone but our fans peg us to go to the playoffs? NOPE.


Dancing Up A Storm
If you like your team and are a true fan..there's always a light at the end. Look at our season last year. Did anyone but our fans peg us to go to the playoffs? NOPE.

THAT was last year. What are you gonna say - this year?

"Well, there's always NEXT year"??

But, I DO love an NFC East rivalry! :killingme


Bookseller Lady
I am surprised my father has not called to gloat yet.

At least I don't share DNA with Dallas fan.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
I just...

...want to say what a joy and pleasure it was watching every last play on the big screen in HD!!!

It's the difference between, for instance, watching the Hindenburg go down on some grainy old 8mm and actually being in the conflagration.
