

I've seen how to get rid of just about anything on this forum. How about Skunks? I think I have one that made it's home under one of my sheds. Don't say guns or dogs. I can smell the little critter, but being the nocturnal type animal I have yet to see him/her. Don't want her to have a litter under my shed, if it's a her.


Duck Molester
not sure if it would work, but you might try putting a garden hose under the shed and flooding them out. :shrug:


Originally posted by BullDawg
not sure if it would work, but you might try putting a garden hose under the shed and flooding them out. :shrug:

Might be worth a shot.

James White

Have a nuisance?Im 4 hire

The only way to get rid of it,is to trap and remove it from the area.

Moth balls do not work on anything but a moth.


New Member
Re: reply

Originally posted by James White
The only way to get rid of it,is to trap and remove it from the area.

Moth balls do not work on anything but a moth.
they only work on moths if you have a good aim and hit them after throwing the moth ball:cheers:


My Sweetest Boy
Re: reply

Originally posted by James White
The only way to get rid of it,is to trap and remove it from the area.

Moth balls do not work on anything but a moth.

No so. Mice don't like mothballs. Foxes and raccoons will avoid mothballs, Several sites recommend using mothballs to deter these guys if they become a problem.


They work on me, if you rub yourself with moth balls I wont come around. The moth might like it but I dont:biggrin:

James White

Have a nuisance?Im 4 hire


Yes many of the animal rights sights recommend the use of moth balls (naphalene).I will tell you first hand it does not work,and more importantly,it is illegal to use a product such as moth balls (naphalene) other than that is specifically written on the box.............Same for those who use moth balls in their attics to try to keep out squirrells and coons,Moth balls (naphalene) placed in a poorley vented attic or crawl space,were temperatures can build up ,will cause a chemical reaction and will produce toxic vapors and even an explosion.

But if they work for you,that is good............but I would not recommend them.


Go Steelers!!!
I use mothballs in my flower beds where there is mulch and flowers. The squirrels stay out and don't eat my plants or make a mess of the mulch. I use the moth ball crystals and they work great.

If you (James White), have another solution for squirrels, I would greatly appreciate it.


New Member
Originally posted by tatgirl99
I use mothballs in my flower beds where there is mulch and flowers. The squirrels stay out and don't eat my plants or make a mess of the mulch. I use the moth ball crystals and they work great.

If you (James White), have another solution for squirrels, I would greatly appreciate it.

.22 cal. works pretty dang good, and at quite distance. :wink:


New Member

Just a suggestion, but if you have a battery operated radio, or a cord that will reach that far, leave a radio on in the shed, fairly loud. If it's uncomfortable for him, he won't stay. Maybe fire up the lawn mower and let in run in there for awhile with the handle resting on one wall so it vibrates and makes a racket... get creative.

The only other suggestion would be animal control. Tell them that you have small children living in the house, and they SHOULD come out and remove the skunk by trap.

But the longer that you let him stay, the more resistant that he'll be to move out.


Hey, PT, that's where I keep my bike. I'll fire it up in there and let it run for awhile. If that doesn't get the little critter out I'll get animal control to get me a trap. Don't have small children just small dogs and I don't want to have to deskunk them. Been there and done that. Then had to deskunk myself.


New Member
Hey Vince Something else to think about. If you are going to fire up that bike try running a garden hose into the tailpipe and run the other end under the shed.

You can also go to the local True Value or Southern States and buy these things that look like a small stick of dynamite. You lite them and the smoke like hell for about 10 minutes. They contain a lot of sulfur and will run out an living creature that values it's life.

I put one in a mole hole onetime in my field and had smoke coming out of the ground 50 yards or more away.

If I think of the name or find them in the store I will try and remmeber to pst it.

I guess a couple of regular smoke bombs would work too


Social Director
go to: and order fox urine. The smell of the fox scares them away right quick. It is the most humane, non-toxic way to get rid of them. The noise things won't really work, if it has already decided to burrow there, it will just wait until the noise stops and come back, or if it is under there when it starts, it won't leave for fear that it will get hurt.


New Member
"Here skunky skunky skunky...."


If all else fails:

The best skunk remedy is:
Baking Soda (1 LB)
Hydrogen Peroxide (1 large or 2 small bottles)
Dish soap (1 Tbls)
Mix together to form a thin paste and wash the offending surface. Rinse.
This releases large amounts of O2 which removes the stink.
This was orignally discovered by a reasercher at Argonne National Labs, who thought he was going to get rich, except when mixed together and bottled it is violently explosive. :shocking:

Good Luck! :peace:

You can't keep doing the same things and expect different results...
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James White

Have a nuisance?Im 4 hire


You have posted a great thing here on the solution to removing skunk ,odor ,and yes it does work great.