
Bertha Venation

New Member
Originally posted by Red_rocket
I put one in a mole hole onetime in my field and had smoke coming out of the ground 50 yards or more away.
Smoke poured out... but no moles?


New Member
Actually I confined spaces like a mole tunnel the moles do not make it out. It kills them before they can get away.

I would think that setting one off under a shed would just run out anything under there. but I dunno. you might wind up with a dead skunk? who knows???


Originally posted by Athena1078
Whatever happened to the skunk?:shrug:

He musta decided to move. I filled the holes in and he hasn't dug out any new ones and I checked all over the place to make sure he hasn't come out anywhere else.:shrug:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by appyday
I bottle fed a litter of 6 baby skunks a few years ago..damnnn they were so so cute and like a cat...they did not spray me either when they grew up...I let them loose but I sure liked those baby skunks...

Rod, is that you?


New Member
If you can stand the smell, put an open jar of amonia under the shed......they will all leave and anything else thats under there......frank67