

Lobster Land
I just had to do my monthly run through Waldorf (301) a little after 1 this afternoon and picked up what I thought was the skunk scent. No problem but it lasted for a couple of miles. I was beginning to wonder if one had gotten under my hood. I did pass a pickup with trash in the back before the odor disappeared so maybe that's where it was coming from. Then I get back and here's a thread on skunks?


Lem Putt
desertrat said:
Why is it that there are so many road kill stink bombs this time of year? Is it mating season or something? I can't get to work without passing two or three new ones per day. The one last week by gate one nearly caused me to lose it. The guy checking id's wasn't too happy about it either. :lmao:
They mate in February or March. I've seen a lot lately, so it must be something. I'm thinking they are active finding food to fatten up for winter.