Skynyrd Concert


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...was trying to make fun of was that very fact, as though kwill had pointed out that a movie ended with...'the end'.

It was supposed to be funny. It didn't work. Report me to DHS.

??? I did that years ago. Check outside your window.


All Up In Your Grill
BS Gal said:
She started with headbutting Otter, didn't she?

I also heard Kwillia was sitting on her hubby's shoulders and pulled her tubetop down. :shakingheadindisgust:

The icing on the cake was that they found a pair of crocs. And Kwillia was seen prancing through the parking lot in bare feet after the show. But she refuses to claim them.


My Sweetest Boy
nachomama said:
I also heard Kwillia was sitting on her hubby's shoulders and pulled her tubetop down. :shakingheadindisgust:

Well, that explains the guy I saw with all the bruises on his face.


Make the voices stop!!!!!
I thought they could've played a few more songs and had a little more interaction with the audience. They opened a few minutes late and barely played an hour before they started Freebird. It was maybe 2 minutes after they finished and they were already on the buses rolling out. Yeah, they sounded good, but almost seemed annoyed that they had to play there.
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Lovin' Life
I thought the same thing about them not playing long enough. As many songs as they have it should have been longer than an hour. For the money you pay for tickets it would have been nice for them to have stayed longer. I've never been to a concert that was done by 9:30.

But I did enjoy them. Would do it again.

Next stop Redneck Woman!! :getdown:


New Member
USNavyMike said:
Everyone I talked with asked for the same thing as well. I think ZZTOP will sell out totallyand give a longer show. I think we had 4400 on Friday. Wont know until we actually count the tickets.

I would like to put out a call for pictures that anyone may have of the concert. I want to post on our website at


They played 1 1/2 hours, what more do you want? I've seen ZZTop and ZZTop and Skynyrd touring together. They didn't give a longer show, it was about the same, maybe a bit shorter.