SMC School Trailers and MD. Baseball


JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

BS Gal said:
Did you also happen to notice the salary of the administrators for the BOE? Compare it to the other salaries in there.......:howdy:

:flowers: Yes I did notice the salaries for top administrators of the St. Mary's County public schools (Enterprise A-3).

But I do not have any objection to paying the people well.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I just know nomo or thatkidistight has got him tied up in the children's section. I'm getting a wee bit concerned.


wandering aimlessly
Lugnut said:
I don't THINK they do but I really don't know. I'm sure there are financial ties between adjacent counties but I doubt seriously whether those ties would include STM education to CC sports stadiums. More likely they would consist of things like road maintenance (pooled assets), emergency services, and utility issues. :shrug: But again, that's just a guess on my part.

I'm honestly concerned with whether JPC Sr. has an opponent.
John Bohanan

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

mv_princess said:
Wait what does Charles County have to do with the school board in St. Mary's??? They don't have the same money flow

:coffee: Both the Counties are subsidized by the State treasury. Plus it is State representatives in District 29, and others State reps for Charles County.

So the State money paying for trailors in SMC schools are also funding Charles County basebase fields.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
JPC said:
:flowers: Yes I did notice the salaries for top administrators of the St. Mary's County public schools (Enterprise A-3).

But I do not have any objection to paying the people well.

Ah, you finished reading the article. Why not object to the high salaries and the fancy digs? The BOE decides where the $ is spent and GUESS WHAT????? It's not on books, it's on salaries. Do you object to the vehicles they are given to drive. Do you object to the vehicle allowance the top dog gets?????

You really are a lost soul. I definitely think brass doorknobs and custom made-desks for the administrators and their staff is much more important than books for the kiddies. VOTE FOR JPC.


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:coffee: Both the Counties are subsidized by the State treasury. Plus it is State representatives in District 29, and others State reps for Charles County.

So the State money paying for trailors in SMC schools are also funding Charles County basebase fields.

He got his O back!

Somebody please translate. I know he has a "base" fixation, but what is a basebase field?
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JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

BS Gal said:
Ah, ... Why not object to the high salaries and the fancy digs? ... Do you object to the vehicles they are given to drive. Do you object to the vehicle allowance the top dog gets?????


:yay: My position has stayed the same and rightly so. It is the overcrowding is the big problem. Other then overcrowding then we would have plenty of money for salaries and books and brass door knobs too.

The overcrowding comes from the Navy Base expansion. Simple as that. :howdy:

I have other business to do so I will be back later or tomorrow. I do not want any to get the idea that I have no more to post.

"I shall return....." :razz:


JPC said:
So the State money paying for trailors in SMC schools are also funding Charles County basebase fields.
I used to love hot summer days as a kid watching basebase games. And crisp fall afternoons watching footfoot.


New Member
We fight for the trailers at our school! They're quiet (inside; no doors/walls, just dividers), the teacher can control the temperature (inside; we're at the mercy of a faulty system that insists on being too hot or too cold), and administration doesn't like to walk out in the rain for visits! :whistle: I say we need more trailers!


New Member
JPC said:
:yay: Today's Friday Enterprise page A-4 top left reports that,

The Maryland Board of Public Works has already agreed to pay for more than $300,000. worth of more relocatable [fire-box] trailer classrooms for St. Mary's County. [Like we do not have enough of the trailers all ready.]

On the next page A-5, it says Maryland is spending $3 million for a 4,500-seat minor league baseball stadium in Charles County.

:yay: I say it is a matter of mixed up priorities. But even more so is that it shows a failure of our local SMC representatives who have failed to help our schools after the school's trailer's fire.

What we need is a big change to put real leaders into office for SMC.

Why are they funding something in a different county? That makes no sense and the people of St. Mary's should fight it! Their money should not be spent in other counties which will collect revenue on it.

With the trailer issue, I understand what you are saying. However, I could understand if they built the stadium in St. Mary's atleast they could put a plan in action to use the revenue from the stadium to fund the schools.


New Member
Also, in 2000-2001 my husband worked for the company that performed renovations on Esperenza Middle School. My husband was the foreman and had access to the bid/cost of the job. That job was a $14 Million dollar project so while I am sure that $300,000 is a start, it is probably not enough.

However, I still stand behind putting the stadium in St. Mary's and benefiting the school from the proceeds of the admissions and concessions.