Also, maybe teachers need to work full time jobs and spend that summer creating projects and doing more in preparation. I like year round school. The onus is on the parents, but where there are no parents, do we just brush the innocent child aside? Many teachers are surrogate parents. I still think of my HS principal as a father figure. The excellent teachers I had at Spanish River HS in Boca Raton, FL gave me their all and then some which inspired me to return the favor. Its called 200% accountability. Of course, the only classes I cared about were Science related and English, so a heartfelt apology to my math teachers.
The reason I dropped out of a teaching major (Elem Education) and joined the Navy was because of the politics of teaching.
That is why I tutor and mentor: No Politics.
Politics inhibit the child.
I am sick and tired of teachers and teachers unions forcing their politcal agendas on students. Many are just a bunch of whiny little "blanks" that can't cut it without government and beauracratically protected positions.