SMCPS is out of control!!!

sparkyaclown said:
WRONG! The policy is failing because you cannot force a student to learn. The teachers and schools are not failing the students. The parents are failing their own children. With the rare exception, most students who fail to improve do so through their own election. They don't turn in work, refuse to participate in class and the behavior is pretty much reinforced through the parents lack of action or worse yet rewarded.
*DING* *DING* *DING* Exactly! :clap:


awpitt said:
I agree with you but shouldn't there still be some sort of standardized way of assuring that the kids in Kenosha and LP City are all meeting certain minimum standards? It seems that multiple choice/true-false type of tests are the easiest way to do that. Essay style tests make it more difficult because you can have three different teachers grading one student’s essay answer and you’ll end up with three different grades because each teacher has their own unique thought process.

You make valid points. Finding the right balance is the key. Balance is subjective to the population you teach.

The overall theme of my opinion is that giant systems are inefficient.


hairybeast said:
I know and it went into action with NCLB. And it does have something to do with it because many kids who are causing problems fit into this category.

Did I misunderstand or are you saying the biggest problem creators in school are those enrolled in special education?

Wow! Would you mind explaining your source? Throw in a few examples maybe?


Also, maybe teachers need to work full time jobs and spend that summer creating projects and doing more in preparation. I like year round school. The onus is on the parents, but where there are no parents, do we just brush the innocent child aside? Many teachers are surrogate parents. I still think of my HS principal as a father figure. The excellent teachers I had at Spanish River HS in Boca Raton, FL gave me their all and then some which inspired me to return the favor. Its called 200% accountability. Of course, the only classes I cared about were Science related and English, so a heartfelt apology to my math teachers.

The reason I dropped out of a teaching major (Elem Education) and joined the Navy was because of the politics of teaching.

That is why I tutor and mentor: No Politics.

Politics inhibit the child.

I am sick and tired of teachers and teachers unions forcing their politcal agendas on students. Many are just a bunch of whiny little "blanks" that can't cut it without government and beauracratically protected positions.


Starting Over
I have a son in the 6th grade that attends LMS. This past year he got into a fight with a boy that had been bullying him since the first day of school. He went to his teacher about it and to the counselor prior to the incident. They did nothing. He talked to me about it and I told him not to pay any attention to him. As long as he paid attention the boy would keep on. (Easier said than done I know.) I did not go to the principal, teacher or counselor about it because I wanted him to try to handle it on his own.

Well the fight happened. I was not notified about it nor did my son get to tell his side of the story, but the other kid did. I went back to my handbook and wouldn't you know her boss lives right down the street from me. So I went to him about it. She did not follow through with the due process.

The next morning I went to the school and sat her straight. I was very upset at the fact I was not notified and that she could not suspend my son for 3 days without notifying me first. She told me they were very busy in the office and I told her that was a bunch of bull. You mean to tell me know one if that office could take 5 mins out of there day to let me know about this.(This was the first time he had done anything wrong.) She did not give my son his chance at explaining his side of the story. So she gave him a chance to explain himself. She told him know matter what happens that he should not hit back and he should have gotten a teacher right away. I told her I was not worried about what she thought, that if a kid is going to hit my kid first he is going to strike back. She also told me that I should have contacted the school about the bullying and I told her that I was trying to let him be responsible and if they were not going to listen to a student about it what difference would it had made if I did something about it. I also told her that I knew the referral had not been enter into the computer yet and I wanted it destroyed. It was destroyed and I also told her that I felt my son's safety was a concern to me. She told me if she thought safety was a concern here she would not be there. I told her money talks bullsh!t walks. You come in clean up the school and move up the ladder. She didn't like that too much. Needless to say I got what I wanted before I left. He was not suspended and the referral was thrown out the door.


Starting Over
Nucklesack said:

The concept behind No Child Left Behind was valid, unfortunately the School system is thinking about dollars and not losing budget

How true that is. Do you know that there is now a form for parents to fill out if there child is special ed to receive more funding for them.


hairybeast said:
No that is not what I said. Those words never came out of my mouth. I said NCLB works if the child wants to learn. Any child can learn as long as they want to. Many students that cannot be throw out of school (like many suggest) cannot be because of the 10 day rule. There are problems created by those enrolled in special education and those not enrolled in special education. Do not put word in my mouth.

Barnacle said the 10 day rule was a special education law stating that students who receive special ed services cannot be suspended for more than 10 days.

You said in response - I know and it went into action with NCLB and it does have something to do with it because many kids who are causing problems fit into this category.

Perhaps I should have asked you what category you were talking about? What kids? If you were responding to Barnacle and Barnacle was talking about special education kids?

I'm trying to picture the kids I know in wheelchairs, my child who can barely look at anyone in the face, the kids that cannot feed themselves, etc etc, being labeled as the kids who are causing problems. Believe me it's a stretch.


hairybeast said:
Maybe teachers need to work year round really do not know what teachers do during the summer. With starting so early it is really only two months without kids, but many counties have professional development over the summer. Dedicated teachers will work over the summer and put in everything to making the school year meaningful.

I know what some teachers do during the summer and I know what dedicated educators do during breaks.

I shadowed enough teachers througout HS and College: Round 1 to get the gist of the educational system as I perceived it.

You cannot deny that politics don't filter into many classrooms.


Main Streeter
Jason CCNPP YPs said:
I like year round school.

I experienced year round school when I lived in Colorado. As a kid, I liked it because there seemed to be more breaks throughout the year. I can’t remember the exact rotation but it was something like eight weeks of school then two weeks off and so on…..


Well-Known Member
sparkyaclown said:
They are not the only ones with this attitude. I've heard the same rumors about a certain Middle School in Charles County :whistle:

that may be true, however, i can only comment on what i know


Well-Known Member
sparkyaclown said:
WRONG! The policy is failing because you cannot force a student to learn. The teachers and schools are not failing the students. The parents are failing their own children. With the rare exception, most students who fail to improve do so through their own election. They don't turn in work, refuse to participate in class and the behavior is pretty much reinforced through the parents lack of action or worse yet rewarded.

:yay: :yay: :yay:


hairybeast said:
Those were not the special education children I was talking about you were ASSuming.

Your comment wasn't very clear. Thanks for straightening it out and your extraordinarily clever use of the word assuming. I'm obviously in the presence of quick witted, sheer genius and just didn't recognize it. My bad hairy one.