Coventry17 said:
I could of easily became a full time teacher through the troops to teachers program, but I am glad I learned the dirty side as a substitute.
I came in to having 6 periods with upwards of 40-50 students in some classes (legal?).
There was no curriculum, barely a roll, no grades, and no structure. Some students had no sneakers, etc. We were about 4 weeks from the end of the grading period.
I think I spent nearly 500 USD buying pairs of shoes Sizes 5-10, playground equipment, balls, nets, etc. I think I netted around 400 USD in pay. I developed a curriculum to assess physical fitness in accordance the schools own defunct policies and contacted all the parents with info on who I was, what I was doing, etc. Lunch duty was fun, too. I must of spent a hundred in McDonalds coupons so I could do knowledge quizzes with students at lunch to keep them engaged and orderly.
My lunch room was in order.
I lasted 3 weeks and the req went to the next substitute. I hope the changes I made lasted.
I did learn that yelling at a smart ass little student gets you no where.
I also learned that little snobby white girls get away with murder and were not expecting me leading their babysitter club butts to detention. The black kids trusted me and respected me, because they knew I didn't take crap from anyone and distributed discipline without predjudice.
In the end, I was just and fair and it opened my eyes to the jungle.