

New Member
For three years, I lived in a third-world country. We had a large water tank on the roof of our house, because the electric service was not reliable enough for us to depend on it to drive our well pump when we needed water.

Now I live in St. Mary's County, and I just got off the phone with a very nice man at the state public service commission who recommeded I do the same thing. But I may need to install a much bigger tank on top of my house here, because the power outages I get from SMECO are much longer than the ones I put up with in the Philippines and Thailand.

The hurricane was a fluke, and I wasn't blaming anyone when my power was out for 4 days. But less than a year later, I'm in the dark again--going on 18 hours and counting. I want a new power company!

I know, acts of God, etc.... Give me a break!!!! If they can do it in Thailand, they should be able to do it here.



Well-Known Member
Buy a generator like I did. Power loss is a fact of life anywhere there a overhead lines and lots of trees.


New Member
Within the hour of the power being restored after the last outage I was on to buy a generator.

I now have 6.5 kw waiting to feed my refrigerator, well and anything else I need. It's run less than 3 minutes since I bought it, but there is a tremendous feeling of relief knowing I'm not going to loss the $400 of groceries in the fridge and freezer...



Time for a nap
Originally posted by MikeyBash
For three years, I lived in a third-world country. We had a large water tank on the roof of our house, because the electric service was not reliable enough for us to depend on it to drive our well pump when we needed water.

Now I live in St. Mary's County, and I just got off the phone with a very nice man at the state public service commission who recommeded I do the same thing. But I may need to install a much bigger tank on top of my house here, because the power outages I get from SMECO are much longer than the ones I put up with in the Philippines and Thailand.

The hurricane was a fluke, and I wasn't blaming anyone when my power was out for 4 days. But less than a year later, I'm in the dark again--going on 18 hours and counting. I want a new power company!

I know, acts of God, etc.... Give me a break!!!! If they can do it in Thailand, they should be able to do it here.


Move out of the third world country you're currently living in...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Cletus_Vandam
Within the hour of the power being restored after the last outage I was on to buy a generator.

I now have 6.5 kw waiting to feed my refrigerator, well and anything else I need. It's run less than 3 minutes since I bought it, but there is a tremendous feeling of relief knowing I'm not going to loss the $400 of groceries in the fridge and freezer...

Be sure to run it every few months. A nest of bees made a home in mine and when it was fired up for the hurricane, what excitement! Burned the coils out of it.


New Member
I keep mine in the garage, under cover. No way I'm going to let a $1300 investment sit out in the weather.

I don't store it with fuel in it. I always have a five gallon can with fresh gas for whatever the need (mower, weedeater, generator...).


Originally posted by Cletus_Vandam
I keep mine in the garage, under cover. No way I'm going to let a $1300 investment sit out in the weather.

I don't store it with fuel in it. I always have a five gallon can with fresh gas for whatever the need (mower, weedeater, generator...).

wow...I feel so much better now that I know all this.


Not dead yet.
I can't believe you're griping about people griping, I mean who do you think you are? I wanna complain about it!

:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:


Originally posted by MikeyBash power was out for 4 days. But less than a year later, I'm in the dark again--going on 18 hours and counting. I want a new power company!

Be patient....I was just home at lunch and there are SMECO trucks all over Town Creek.

4 days during the hurricane, huh? Wouldn't complain if I were you...I live in Town Creek and our power was out for 9. The people across the street from us were the last people to get power...10 days after the hurricane.

It could be worse.


professional daydreamer
Re: How do I enter the pic and not as an attachment?

Originally posted by unixpirate

If it's on the internet

let me try again...

open and close [slashimg] using a forward slash instead of the word slash.

If it's on your computer, look under the text box (what I'm typing in now, before posted) and click browse.
Last edited:


Pitty Party
click browse

mAlice - :biggrin:
My past expurience when you use the browse option
it just adds it an attachment. I want it to be a pic
out front.

Make sense?


Pitty Party
pic - is on your pc, or Internet.. .:lol:

Didn't finish answering your questions.
I do apologize..

The pic is on my pc..


professional daydreamer
Re: pic - is on your pc, or Internet.. .:lol:

Originally posted by unixpirate
Didn't finish answering your questions.
I do apologize..

The pic is on my pc..

I don't know then. I thought I had posted a pic like that. Maybe not.