smelly pits


New Member
Yeah I know its gross but I have a problem with it. My pits stink all the time. I have tried a lot of deoderants but I cant find anything that gets rid of the smell. I actually have a friend who sweats like crazy but no smell. What works best for both?

my fellow employees with thank you for your help!

the best thing ever is Arrid xx dry cream. Its in a short pot, which is inside of a box, and you put it on with your finger but you will not sweat or stink. Every so often i go thru a stinky spell, where my deo is not doin its job, and the ARRID works everytime. The gels wont work for me during "the funk" so if its the same for you you might try the ARRID. Most places still carry it but its way up high, or way down low on the shelves.


I was watching some medical show where this girl always had stinky pits. Deodorants didn't help. She ended up having an incurable genetic problem or something. Doctors told her the only thing she could do was watch what she ate. Certain foods made her pits stink really bad.


Your body is probably full of toxins. Stuff you eat from every day overprocessed crap you and me buy at the store. There's so many toxins in our foods, preservatives adn chemicals that your body just gets overloaded and has no where to put it. Eventually, it comes out in your pores, especially your pits. I had this problem and got rid of it by detoxing myself.

My recommendation is to go to the Health Food store and get a good de-tox kit. CleanseSmart is a good one. There's a health Food store in Waldorf, but I forget the name of it. YOu can also buy Dr. Natura products online at their site. Its expensive, but well worth it. After a month of treatment you will notice no more smelly pits, better looking skin/hair and you'll lose some weight.


In My Opinion
Where can I get this stuff? Boy will completely flip out if his poo turns green. :lmao:
thats just down right wrong.

I think Ill start slipping some in the dinner every night and see if I get any comments back. :killingme


Your body is probably full of toxins. Stuff you eat from every day overprocessed crap you and me buy at the store. There's so many toxins in our foods, preservatives adn chemicals that your body just gets overloaded and has no where to put it. Eventually, it comes out in your pores, especially your pits. I had this problem and got rid of it by detoxing myself.

My recommendation is to go to the Health Food store and get a good de-tox kit. CleanseSmart is a good one. There's a health Food store in Waldorf, but I forget the name of it. YOu can also buy Dr. Natura products online at their site. Its expensive, but well worth it. After a month of treatment you will notice no more smelly pits, better looking skin/hair and you'll lose some weight.

You know, now that I think of it, I've smelled much better on Atkins. I guess meat and cheese is good for the not-stinking.

Fun trivia about deodorant -

7. Offensive body odor is actually illegal in libraries in San Luis Obispo County, California.

Good thing you don't live in CA....

12. In May 2008, actor Matthew McConaughey revealed that he never uses deodorant or antiperspirant. The next day, he received a year's supply of deodorant body spray from the Axe Company, along with a note on why he might want to start.

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New Member
Dove clinical treatment.. I think it's called... I use that and it works pretty good. Comes in a box. Most stores sell it.


New Member
Yeah I know its gross but I have a problem with it. My pits stink all the time. I have tried a lot of deoderants but I cant find anything that gets rid of the smell. I actually have a friend who sweats like crazy but no smell. What works best for both?

my fellow employees with thank you for your help!
When i first noticed that I am much stinkier than my counterparts, i started using regular degree and then not soon after they introduced degree for women. Eventually (after several years) that was not enough either. Now i use the degree for women clinical strength, they have 2 nice scents and if you follow the directions it works great :)


I bowl overhand
Your body is probably full of toxins. Stuff you eat from every day overprocessed crap you and me buy at the store. There's so many toxins in our foods, preservatives adn chemicals that your body just gets overloaded and has no where to put it. Eventually, it comes out in your pores, especially your pits. I had this problem and got rid of it by detoxing myself.

My recommendation is to go to the Health Food store and get a good de-tox kit. CleanseSmart is a good one. There's a health Food store in Waldorf, but I forget the name of it. YOu can also buy Dr. Natura products online at their site. Its expensive, but well worth it. After a month of treatment you will notice no more smelly pits, better looking skin/hair and you'll lose some weight.

don't forget the coffee enemas and the yogurt colonics..



Well-Known Member
Oh Christ, now you know if he was talking to Kris or someone else you don't care for you'd be over there laughing your butt off. :rolleyes: Just sayin'...

I don't hop on the fat jokes. I was once fat and still struggle with my weight. I was also just joking with Bob.